Dubai Miracle Garden

in photography •  8 years ago 

Today's post will be more like ladies night, but I think that also men will enjoy. For me; I can tell that I did.

We were lucky. Winter started in Dubai and they just open the gardens. Stange thing for Canadians, I know.

Taking photos was a piece of cake comparing to the previous day in Aquarium. Flowers tend to move much slower than fish.

I hope you will enjoy my presentation.

I'd made a lot of photos but I just pick some of the best for you to get the feeling.

















Perfect afternon and evening. I have nothing to add.

The only thing that I still don't know the answer is this:

Were those lemons and oranges real or fake?

Have a great weekend steemians and stay tuned

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I love the photos. Looks like a great day spent in the desert ;)

Jealous! 😢😢

Dubai Miracle Gardens is Now Closed for summer, hey guys, it is still 40C/ 110F every day. I checked the website, no opening date announcement for the 2017-2018 season. Stay tuned.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Nice map and thanks for an update.

Thank @oldtimer for the upvote !!!! We go every year to see all the changes they do each offseason. Usually around Valentines Day, very romantic. Best to get there when it opens and see the garden transform when the lights come on !!!!!!


Dober dan :)

prosim, preberi tale članek: Team Slovenia se predstavlja

Lep vikend želim,

Incredible display! It is truly a miracle in the desert. They spare no expense. Castles, towers, trains, peacocks all made with flowers in the desert!

Its amazing pics love the beauty of nature especially the second picture and picture having peacock. Love it! Thanks for sharing..

Oh my god!I want to be in that beauty!I'm pretty sure lemons and oranges are real;)So if it's winter now it's supposed to be like our version of "Ice town"heheh so cool,I would definitely prefer flowers to ice sculptures😍

You're right it is like ladies night @oldtimer!
Everything looks amazing!

I wish if you could smell them from photos. Then we'll be really amazing. I hope you understand. Sorry, my English is not good enough.

Amazing! Such creavity

The water faucet and peacock one are may favorite! So creative with what you can do with flowers! 🌹

That's a nice start for winter) I like flowers ! Thanks for sharing!

Nice Dubai Travel And Good Life Enjoy. 100% like and resteem

Dubai travel is very amazing . great photography is a very beautiful.

That is a miracle because that does not even look real!

It's like Willy Wonka for flowers. Looks like you won the golden ticket. Absolutely friggin amazing and i'm a guy.

Dubai Garden, very beautiful post, keep it up! and thanks again for following!

I think my favorite picture fpr whatever reason was the upside down umbrellas for whatever reason.


liked that one a lot too!

you have a very good photo photo .. i also like to visit dubai ..

I felt like I was walking through Willy Wonka's factory in these photos. The colors are vibrant, and oh the work to keep all those flowers beautiful.

Those are brilliant! I especially liked the peacocks!

The real question is - how much fertilizer did they have to use to get all that stuff to grow? 😅

The visitors pay for everything, don't worry.

The Peacock is also my favorite, very creative how they made it!

Amazing photography! I wish to visit this places! Thanks for sharing!

Excellent post, Greetings from venezuela :)

Dubai has a lot of amazing sights.

Of course, so would any country with as much disposable income as they have.

There're many countries, but they rather spend money on bombs and guns, if you know what I mean.

I get it, yes it's true Dubai is peaceful and beauty place, they're are much on welcoming tourist and business from all over the world than focusing on war.

"Income per capita" would perhaps be the best measure of disposable income.

2 upside down vw's! Those are the best kind.
Lemons and oranges? What did I miss?

And the waterfall, if you noticed. There are tree structures made of lemons and oranges. Find them.

I see it! I'd bet they are real, the team of people who replace them every other day likely make $40/ hour.

It's absurd to think this is in the middle of a desert.

This is great post.... so awesome.... I am into photography and art... plz do check my post out...Thx followed u. Now

Those gardens look like there huge and so cool

Love the umbrella area

woohoo what a great trip you took us on :D I like the 'ladies night' refrence :D Thank you & the lemons were real ;)

Nature Could be that beautiful never had imagined about that and Miracle Garden is truly a Miracle to me

amazing mate :) See ya around !

lep pozdrav ! :)


What a beautiful park, looks like Mozirski gaj in XL size :) Awesome shots man, thanks for sharing, Steem ON!

Amazing day in Dubai !!

So fantastic ! Your nice combination of Photography shows that its really miracle garden.

Wow, love this garden very much. One day, I hope I coukd have such a beautiful garden like this. Really wanna have this one.
Lol, it does not matter be more like ladies night, cause I think so that also men will love it. Thank you for sharing this beuatiful garden @oldtimer

Its amazing . Thanks for share

With A Lot Of Happiness!

really awesome picture i never seen this before

Wow! That is an amazing place, hard to believe it even exists. They really go all out over there.

love this beautiful place and greenery all around it

I like the sink flower tree very much!


Am I just stupid? But whats the deal with this one? :P

Seriously is this Dubai? Wow that's amazing! Actually it's a miracle garden! Thanks for sharing with us! Never heard this before!


they look so lovely and damn amazing gardens are there in Dubai didn't know.

each one is fascinating than the other ,pretty hard to tell which 1 is the best
loved your presentation .

Wow Amazing!

life beautiful

Beautiful Photo

@oldtimer - Sire, love your photography Sire. This garden is an impressive work at Dubai Sire. Therefore, I wish to resteem your post Sire.

+W+ [ReSteemed & UpVoted]

very nice :)

amigo #resteemia at your service

never known about this garden. impressive traveling photography @oldtimer

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