National Flag Of Canada Day

in photography •  7 years ago 

When I was thinking about the topic for today's post, my head was empty. But when I turn on my computer in the notification window in the section: Today in history, the notice about Canada flag day pops out. The Canada flag was adopted on 15th of February 1965. And here's my post.

When we came to Canada for the first time it was almost annoying to see that red maple leaf on every step. The leaf on the plane ticket, the leaf on a little coffee spoon. On the napkin, on the beer bottle. Wherever you stand you can see at least one flag or symbol in red and white color with that red maple leaf.
Canadians are real and proud patriots.


Look at these two guys.


On Canada day in Mutartt Conservatorium.


Flag on streets of Edmonton.


Flags at the Farmers market in Old Strathcona

DSC08745 (2).JPG

Flag on the top of the mountain in Banff National Park.

2013-07-14 03.14.45.jpg

High on the sky above Calgary.

But this morning I was disappointed. Very disappointed.

I didn't check the mainstream news for months. I'm too busy on steemit.
But just from curiosity, I opened the CBC website to read about the Canada flag day. I couldn't find a single line about that. Strange.

I read a news how the city councilors discussing to lower the water depth in the pool on Churchill square from 40 cm to 15 cm. Safety precautions. And how restaurants gonna ditch the plastic straws because they polluting oceans.

Common guys?

They give me a very good reason not to open MSM for at least another six months.

Or maybe I'm missing something here. Canadians, please enlighten me, if I'm wrong.

Happy Canada flag day, eh?

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Thank you for posting @oldtimer.

Lovely photographs and topic.

So sorry to hear of the demise of patriotism there in Canada.......same in Britain....sad, really.

All the best to you and yours.....cats as well.


Happy Canada Flag Day.

Long live the Queen.

Thank you very much for kind words and your support. And all the best to you too.

It will be a rainbow flag with a maple leaf very soon.

The way our prime minister operates, you may very well be correct.

the flag of Canada has always seemed to me one of the most tender

Interesting picture and a good post!

Great article, I must admit I have an obsession with flags, Im a graphic designer and since I was a kid I dreamt about redesigning all the flags in the world, it led me to do some minimalistic redesigns por a local project about abstraction in design. I made all the flags and I want to share with you the Canadian flag today.


As you can see is goes from the most minimal aspect (pixels) to the real icon, and abstraction is about to find the perfect in-between idea, so that was my project about, hope you like it.

I respect the national flag of all countries of the same country. The significance of the national flag of a country is immense. I understand very well. All countries teach us to honor our national flag. "Like the national flag of all countries, we have achieved the independence of Bangladesh / by fighting independently. ,,,,,,,,
Our   Bangladesh...jpg

Excellent work

Friend , I like your words very much...

Thank you. I learned a new flag today on steemit.

Let's get some lessons from here.

perfect for this day

Wow, Flag day, an amazing thing which i know about Canadain flag when the prime minister Georage Stanley change the flag of Canada there was approximately 5000 designs submitted, and this one was selected, The flag is an attractive one.
Although every citizen due respect for his country's flag, which seems in the people of Canada, that how much they love it, and it should be.
the clicks are amazing all the time, all credit yours Sir Oldtimer, every time and every day you bring a new idea for post with attractive clicks, with me its very difficult thing to do.
thanks for your contribution and through this i revised the Flag's date, which i probably forged, keep sharing such positive stuff and cheers for the Flag Day.....
Steem On

Canada is a country I have been aching to visit since childhood. Hopefully that 22 year old dream will become a reality someday. The Canada National flag day is an event I really want to witness, atleast I have seen some beautiful pictures of it upclose courtesy of you. God bless you for sharing this. I feel like I have shared in the celebration even though I am far away in Africa

We have duty for our country.Every year every country have a memorable moment for celebrating.We have also a memorable moment in our country.The flag day.We should celebrate this day.This day we fly our mark our symbol our flag.Really proud moment. I love it my country so much.Everyone should love theire country love their nation.

Cool post <3

it is very special day for them... i respect and want to wish them for this more word is you sharing best photography... i waiting for your this type new updates....

Happy Canada flag day
Each time I put on my polo shirt with Canada's flag and designs the intriguing aspect that excites folks the most is the maple tree on it.
The maple tree represented on the flag is really symbolic...I don't know the true meaning of it but I do love it

The history of a country, each country has its own history

Canadians are lovely people, as I love your most handsome Prime Minister.
Good luck Canada. :-)

very intimate there

it is so great to know about the background of a flag of a country :)

I love Canada! I visited Vancouver in 2014.´I wanted to go to a Canucks game but I didn't manage to get tickets :/

Canada is one of my dream destinations and I love everything about Canada. I really like their flag and its color

Ahhhhh... the good ole maple leaf flying strong and proud!!!!! I consider myself lucky to be a Canadian. I so my colours with pride. It’s a great feeling to know that Canadians are recognized around the world for their kindness and good nature. Great pics!!!

They give me a very good reason not to open MSM for at least another six months.

So it is not just the US msm then. Like you, I tend to ignore whatever they are saying. Too hard to stay positive otherwise.

Happy Canadian Flag Day to you @oldtimer! Those flag suits are something else, lol.

Happy Canda Flag Day @oldtimer!

Look how they are very proud to Celebrate their flag day, We can see everywhere attached flag canada
That's proves they are deeply in love with his country, Was supposed to all people in this world love his country, thanks for your sharing today my friend @oldtimer

I love the idea of making a post all about the Canadian flag!!! Its so beautiful. I live in Ottawa and I'm always taking photographs here which means I'm always photographing the flag... Whether or not it was national flag day, its definitely a flag to be proud of. Thanks for sharing :)

Here is a picture that I took of the Canadian flag infront of parliament the other morning, Id love to hear what you think of it :) DSCF4599.jpg

I like the Canadian flag, similar to Nigerian flag only difference is colour and the 'red maple leaf'.

At least you got it right... beautiful tribute for flag day!

Zaista šteta što nema više one stare atmosfere, zastave, zastavice, lepe, uvek i na svakom mestu. 1965? Sjajna godina! :) I mi danas slavimo, Dan državnosti.

Taught something new to a fellow Canadian :) Thanks @oldtimer!

wow....some amazing photography.....and i like canada..... i am excited and impressed to see your post..... i waiting for your next post....i wish for your best of luck brother

it seems that I really like your appearance, where the location is right I like me please kempada you open my blog thank you

Excellent post! Visit my post and see what you think about this great tourist place that I shared. If you liked it, vote! regards

National flag is the simbol of a country ... canada is a great country in the world.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Lovely post , i really like it

The people of Canada are patriotic citizens, the choice of red on flag is sharp and very attractive besides, the flag of a Nation is its identity and that what good citizens do, they flaunt it everywhere showing how proud they are with their nation. Your post is very interesting @oldtimer thanks for sharing it

Hahaha interesting day! The flag is at least less boring than the one from The Netherlands ;-)

nice shirt :)

The country of freedom, there is nothing better than canadian people.Maybe luck but all canadian people that i have met are wonderful.Wish one day I ll visit this country who protect the human rights

Yes indeed as you say there are times when our mind is empty to make a post so we can not make any posts

But your posts today teach me to keep posting, even if it is about ourselves or the journey of our own life @oldtimer

Every nations has a own national flag. We must respect our own national flag.looking you same work for your country. Nice respected. Awesome photography.Thanks for sharing.

I think that is the prettiest flag. One of my dear friends lives in Ontario and she sent my daughter and I mittens with the maple leaf on them. They are my favorite mittens ever! image

so cute!

It looks amazing to both of you

beautiful pics

Really awesome photography...i love your all post...

Happy Canada flag day to you too. Your post reveals that Canadian are civilized nation. They always think about to facilitate people and animal and focus to keep their country pollution free environment

a Canadian is merely an unarmed american with health care 😂😂

One flag is not pointing in the right direction at the Farmers market! :)
Someone should get spanked for that i suppose.

I love national holidays when everyone puts out their flag. I am the one who puts a flag on our apartment building :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

giphy-downsized (1).gif
Salute you.

Wow! Those guys are covered in Canadian color. I don't think their patriotism can be compared.