Ever wondered how coffee is made?

in photography •  7 years ago  (edited)

I had a chance to visit a cooperative of small coffee farmers in the area of Lake Atitlan in Guatemala, a famous region known for their high altitude Arabica coffee. It was interesting to learn about the process from harvesting the coffee fruit to your morning cup of coffee and what exactly influences the flavour. I also had a chance to snap the photo of a recent harvest below. Here are some facts about making coffee that I learned during the tour:


  1. Coffee fruit here in Guatemala is harvested once a year, around February / March
  2. Arabica coffee that they grow here needs 60% sun and 40% shade, that is why they plant avocado, banana and other trees around the coffee plants to protect them from the sun
  3. In short, here is the process for making coffee, but actually it is a bit more complicated than that and I skipped some smaller steps:
    • harvest the fruit
    • separate the first class fruit (the big juicy dark red ones on the pic) from the second class (green, small, dry ones)
    • peel off the skin of the fruit and extract the beans, two in each fruit
    • ferment the beans
    • dry the beans on the sun
    • remove a thin layer of shell from the beans once they've been dried.
  4. This is when the coffee is ready to be sold on the international market. It is not sold roasted, because roasted coffee beans last much less - 4 months as opposed to 3 years for dried coffee beans.
  5. Coffee beans is a commodity, e.g. just like oil and the prices depend on the global market forces of supply and demand. Every week a farmer brings his coffee fruit harvest the price will be different.
  6. There are different levels (light, medium and heavy) and different ways to roast the coffee all of which will influence the flavour.

Do you know any cool facts about coffee? Drop them in the comments!


Coffee Guatemala Lake Atitlan

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Sony a6000, SEL 18-200, San Juan la Laguna, Guatemala

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I love coffee, i drink about 2 to 3 cups a day...recent studies discovered that coffee drinkers live longer than non coffee drinkers...i guess because coffee has tons of antioxidants...i usually add a lil bit of coconut oil just to make it smoother because i drink it plain black and no sugar

@applelex black, strong and no sugar! My girl! 😀High five! I down about four as well every day, I think I am at the addiction stage. Will try with the coconut oil, thanks for the tip!

Love it straight, "no junk in it" too! well maybe a drop of milk, I like who the colour changes so smoothly @_@! Sometimes I do not understand people who put so much things in coffee that is sort of feels like they don't really like how coffee taste

Lol, so true, so much sugar and other stuff to get rid of the bitterness, whereas I want it as strong as it can be without being solid 😀but yeah, whatever floats their boat

Really amazing.As coffee is a drink prepared by coffee beans.Coffee not only relaxes body but also securies the body from life threatening diseases like cancer, cirrhosis etc.I am too fond of coffee.

True @angli. I've read that coffee has a lot of antioxidants that can do many things to help the body with some of the things you mentioned and more. A single cup of black coffee has zero calories and has the same or similar levels of health benefits of tea (green tea anyways) with more caffeine. I tend to like it with sugar and other stuff so it tends to lose those benefits on me. Same days I can't seem to get through without that afternoon cup of java. I'm in the Seattle area so coffee is ALL over the place.
Thanks for another great photo @olegnator.

Hm you are absolutely correct.

Great stuff, just get rid of that sugar 😜

Congratulation @olegnator !
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Awesome, thanks a ton man!

you are most welcome....

Really awesome! Growing up here in the Philippines, coffee has always been part of our morning routine. I am lucky to have witness how it is made during a visit to one of our coffee farm in here.

Awesome man! So how is the coffee culture in the Philippines, how do locals drink it? I noticed here locals don't have a coffee culture, they just drink really week coffee, sometimes even Nescafe powder, which baffles me.

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amazing shot! love it

i like your post

how about my opinion about coffee

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  4. coffee is a conflict solution — Steemit https://steemit.com/indonesia/@andrianhabibi/coffee-is-a-conflict-solution

I love that smell

I definitely started following you! Your adventures and photos are inspiring, its time i go check out some mountains too!