📷 Photo experiment - photo of water in motion!

in photography •  8 years ago 

My experiment is an attempt to photograph water in motion!

I started by shortening the exposure time, and then I tried to enlarge the aperture opening. I wanted to achieve the effect of frozen water ...

I suggest seeing the 4 best photos:
DSC_3695 ISO 100 50 мм 1-125 сек    f - 7,1-2
ISO 100 50 mm 1-125 sec f - 7,1-2

DSC_3547 ISO 100 105 мм 1-50 сек    f - 9,0
ISO 100 105 mm 1-50 sec f - 9,0

DSC_3552 ISO 100 62 мм 1-50 сек    f - 9,0
ISO 100 62 mm 1-50 sec f - 9,0

DSC_3613 ISO 100 34 мм 1-125 сек    f - 7,1
ISO 100 34 mm 1-125 sec f - 7,1

It will be very interesting to learn from professionals what can be improved and what shooting mistakes ...

Hope you enjoyed watching these photos!

The picture was taken Nikon d7000:

Best regards @olegst


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Nice shots!

Hi @Olegst, I'm not entirely sure I understand what you mean by 'freeze' water, but I am guessing you want to achieve the effect of moving water like this:

Google Images

If so then you need a longer exposure time. The exposure time will depend on how fast the water is moving and the lighting conditions of the area. A tripod is a must, and if the light is not too bright you can probably set your camera to f/22 or even higher, iso 100 and then adjust the exposure time.

Alternatively you can try an ND filter. There are several options, 2 stop, 4 stop, 8 stop, 10 stop and more. This filter will partially block the light from entering your camera so that you need to expose for longer, allowing for that flowing water look.

Exactly what I was trying to describe i my comment!

Ah good :) then I hope I was helpful :)

Thanks for the valuable advice!

I hope it helps :)

great snaps.. keep clicking and posting

Thank you :)
I will try to! :))

Great post man. keep up the good work.😁💲


Thank you :)

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Thank you :)

I liked the last photo=)

Спасибо Наташа за отзыв :)


Nice Shoot @olegst hope you will give us more ideas.

I will try to! :)) Thank you :)

I think it's easier to get the effect your looking for in a river or stream. Water that's in constant motion along the same path. Very cool pictures though. Never would have thought trying to do that at a pool or water park.

I probably did not explain correctly, thanks :)

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Thank you :)

Nice olegst. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you :)

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