Beach Bum

in photography •  6 years ago 


I miss the nude beach. I have only gone a couple of times in my life but damn is it fun. I liked the way this washed up board looked so I decided to use it as a prop. It was not the most comfortable seat, but it did make a cool picture.

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Booty booty buttcheeks!


Is Allah upset with you?

I guess so... O.O

Is he watching?

::tries to hide::

pls don't make adultury here, why nude photo? make good Allah seeing everything

Does Allah not approve of his creation?
What God made is "very good", is it not?

Allah likes shame, who is shameless he will be punished as he will keep violating the commandane of Allah,

I am ashamed of my sin. I do not need to be ashamed of my body, it is not sin. I don't even technically need to be ashamed of my confessed sin, since Christ lived and died to take away my guilt and therefore my shame. Hidden sins yes, confessed and repented of sins, no.

when you alone in private room no problem, but when you published it can't be private. whom you say jesus we say Hazrat Isha (pbuh) he will come again, as follower of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) if i get life upto that time i will be accompanied with him, holy Quran says many abt him and his mother.

Christ will come again, and he will judge all of us, including you, including me.

not to judge for all to success a mission Allah will sent him,then he will die

He cannot die, He is God.

Did sand creep into the ass? 😂

Nah, it comes out better than with a suit on!