Have you Ever Wondered what Happens when you Scratch your lovers name into a tree ?..

in photography •  8 years ago 

..It stays there for 60 years !

In 1973

a young Kay inscribed her name on this Beech tree at the lookout in Epping Forest. It is still legible, 44 years later, which is how long the tree bark has taken to partially heal it's scar.
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In 1959

a someone beginning with T decided to leave their mark on the same tree. Although the year is still readable after 58 years and T is probably a pensioner of some years, the tree has almost grown their name completely out, poignantly the person probably hasn't got long to go either. The tree will no doubt stand for at least another couple of hundred years.

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NB: when you scratch your name into a tree you could provide the tree with an easy opening for disease leading to an early and possibly slow death. The bark is the tree's protective layer, much like your skin. It keeps the tree safe from bacterial, fungal and viral diseases as well as predators large and small.

Next time you decide to write your one true love's (or your own) name into a tree bark, remember - trees are alive too. Maybe just take a photo of the tree instead. It would be far more interesting to see how the tree has developed over 60 years, in 60 years time ;)

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Yeah...carve your name in a rock, if you must! They don't mind so much.

Excellent and Thank you. I meant to add something like that (THANKS for the NOD !) everyone needs a good editor !


When I started to read your post, I was thinking it is nice to see how the scarves are growing in the trees, and I wanted to try it out. But then you said those wise words about hurting and possible causing the death of the tree... I better scarf a rock like @melinda010100 is suggesting! Nice post!

That's nice.. good job I've got an editor ! Excellent suggestion, rock doesn't mind at all (cos' it's hard as rock innit) and it will undoubtedly last much longer, unless it's sandstone or very exposed !

Glad to see the trees have lived on for so long after these carvings. I know it's not good for the trees but it is pretty cool to think about the people and their story and the semi-permanence of that tree through time....kind of hurts my brain to think about! Nice post!

Didn't know that. I'm getting an education on here! :-) Nice shots!

I couldn't quite believe how long they'd been there !