I was working quietly one day when I heard the familiar, agitated clack of very upset Crows. I went outside to see what all the fuss was about and noticed that a couple of Crows were having a bit of a go at Naughty, the local cat. (Earlier that morning I had noticed the cat had discovered there was a blue tit nest in the vines next to the wall and had been trying to work out how to get to the young in the nest), so I figured the Crows had stepped in as bird Guardians / vigilantes. The Crows, both brave and annoyed were trying to intimidate the cat into moving away by harassing the cat, jumping along the fence and getting very close to it, flapping their wings and making a lot of noise. I thought the cat could have easily taken a swipe at the Crows and felled their delicate bodies with one claw. He held his ground for a while not really even flinching until the bigger male Crow decided it had had just about enough. It decided to dive bomb the cat and that was enough for the cat. Off he went scampering away tail between his legs. I caught this moment with my camera and it's still one of my favourite all time images.
I hope you enjoyed this short true story and the photo which tells it.