I Saved These For a Rainy Day

in photography •  7 years ago  (edited)


Today is one of those rarities here in SoCal: a rainy day. Not a cloudburst. Not fog or gloom or a mini storm. We are talking full on all day rain.

Don’t get me wrong; I’m not complaining. I. Love. Rain. I am not sure how I ended up living in such a sunny, temperate climate. I miss thunderstorms. I miss falling asleep under the pitter patter of weather. But I do get less done with a camera on a day like today. In theory.

Tomorrow I’ll share some rainy day shots. But today, I’m posting some shots from the world famous Venice Beach skate park. A little bit street. A little bit action. But with a decidedly ‘Me’ flavor.









What are your go-to photos when it’s weathery outside?

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A bit different from your usual stuff but amazing as always!

Thank you 😊 Street photography is my first love and what really drew me to this in the first place. So it’s surreal hearing that this is perceived as different for me. I guess I need to post more street stuff & get back to my roots. But I totally get your point.

Maybe lately we've seen less of these action shots and more setup ones, so that's why I thought it's a bit different from usual. :D You are doing great in both!

Oh totally! Forgive me; sometimes I forget that everybody doesn’t live in my head. 😉 And thank you, Ancient Greek Playa

Great shot's. I like how you play with shades. Are you a skater as well?

Thank you...and no! I’ve stepped on a skateboard once or twice. Does that count?

Although 100 years ago I was a competitive figure skater. On roller skates. Not ice skates. Because, you know, I couldn’t even do that “normal”. 😬

How about you

In the age between 7 and 12 I was a blade skater. There are some areas of my skin that still remember that time :)

I still have shin splints.totally feel ya.

Southern California seems like a beautiful place! My favorite is the picture of the dogs, but I can never resist dog

Thank you. I’m actually a Cat person...but I can’t resist baby animals in general. And these two had to be photographed! 🐶🐶

Very cool shots :) Check out my channel for photo and videography @finkistinger