in photography •  6 years ago 

These birds seem to be much more urban than they once were...

While in Texas, we stopped by a Wal-Mart parking lot, and noticed a large congregation of seagulls. To be honest, we were in Port Isabel, right next to South Padre Island, so it makes sense. Anyway, I've always enjoyed these birds, so I took the opportunity to photograph them. Here are my favorite shots.


As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

GIF provided by @anzirpasai

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We get a lot of seagulls especially around coastal areas and if you happen to be in a seaside town you Gotta be careful because they will come down and try to steal your food . Thanks mike

Always taking pictures of animals, I see that he is a nature lover. Beautiful photo

They come here and hang out along the river, too. And we are 200 mls away from the coast. Life among the people is much easier than in the wilderness.

nice.. but still waiting the announcement of combination photography series

Yep, we had them in Edinburg, too. :)

They are very pretty. They seem to enjoy chilling on the tarmac, maybe they get fed by passing people. 🌈🍀🦋🌴❤️