A lazy hot Sunday afternoon!steemCreated with Sketch.

in photography •  6 years ago  (edited)

Have you ever seen a wild Tortoise yawn on a hot day? Let me show you!

I posted the first 3 photos of the tortoise on my facebook page last year, but as I rummaged in the memory box, I decided that they are so cute that I would also show them to you.
All of the rest are current photos and they tell of how animals cope with hot afternoons.
Here's some Sunday siestas!

Can you imagine how hot it gets in his mobile shell home?

Yaaaawn! He yawned so wide that I could almost see his tonsils!

Now for some other views of sleepy animals!

This squirrel has found a cool spot in a nut tree!

A guinea fowl enjoys a nap in a hole that she dug!

This lady is having an ecstatic neck massage!

And the babies are nodding off in the late afternoon sun!

Here's a picture of pure cuteness!

Even the flowers struggle to keep their heads up in the hot afternoon sun!

I think most of us know that lethargic late Sunday afternoon feeling. Especially after lunch when the stomach is full and it makes the eyes to droop. Years ago the Sunday afternoon sleep was an institution by the elders and children were banished to their rooms for the afternoon. Fortunately my bedroom had a slider window and I regularly un-banished myself by slipping through the window. Until my mom found out and after a hiding she had the window wired up.
That was the start of my intense reading years.
Today, so many years later I still never sleep in the day. (Only because I am hyper active)

But here nature teaches us that an afternoon sleep is good for one. The animals are all fit and healthy and they perform at optimum simply because they rest often. Some of us are too busy to rest and sooner or later the bodies say that they have had enough. Once fit as a fiddle, all kinds of ailments start to materialize. Flu, chest or some other pains, one or another form of ailment start to become a constant companion. Rest is a prerequisite in order to maintain a healthy body. So sad that I am only starting to slow down now. The damage is done!
Think about it!

We hope that you have enjoyed the pictures and thank you for visiting a post by @papilloncharity


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Thanks for the photo and story. Very interesting, and most of all I remember the picture with a tortoise sip))

Thank you and I am glad that you enjoyed the post!

I literally yawned after looking at the tortoise yawned. Beware, it's contagious! 😂

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Strangely I also felt like yawning when I took the shot. So contagious that when I yawn our little dog also yawns.

My parents did the same, so ditto. Another culprit here never taking a nap in the daytime, yes nature will show us the right way to treat midday heat and learning to relax. Typical humans we always know better.

Another lovely set of photography, tortoise are one of my favourite animals that amble around Stephen.

It was always a mission to get out in fear of a bad hiding always hanging over one's head, but we enjoyed our escapes lady Joan. Today the children don't want to go out, as they would rather sit on their cell phones, which is such a much bigger danger to their health!
I also love tortoises!

When we had to stay in we got into more mischief, more often told to play in the garden or adjacent veld. Totally agree children are not outdoors often enough, sadly neither are they safe, parents are caught between a rock and a hard place.

I only ever take a nap during the day if I am not feeling well otherwise I know I will not sleep at night, some great shots I love the sequence of the turtle yawning ;)

You know exactly what I am talking about JJ and it's so true in my case also. Sleep in the day and know that there will be no sleep at night.
Glad that you liked the shots.

Wishing you a great week ahead my friend

Reminds me of the dog in my home, she just sleeps the whole afternoon whenever its hot, and it's always hot in Malaysia...I guess she hates me when I rub her head when she's sleeping HAHA.

I also have tortoises in my home but I never see it yawn... must be interesting to see if it actually did!

Rest assured that your intention is only kindness when you rub your sleeping dog, even if the dog thinks that you are a bit wayward hahaha.
I can assure you that tortoises yawn, as evidenced here. Not often and in fact, I have never seen this again.

Love to learn about the animals in different parts of the world and so enjoy your photography!
I learned about the need for taking breaks and resting a while ago after having pushed myself to exhaustion then realizing that that was not doing me any good at all!

Thank you kindly and we have also suffered severe burn-out after continuously pushing ourselves to the limit. Slowly recovering now and keeping an eye on our efforts in the charity work.

Love to learn about the animals in different parts of the world and so enjoy your photography!
I learned about the need for taking breaks and resting a while ago after having pushed myself to exhaustion then realizing that that was not doing me any good at all!

Great shots! I've never seen a wild Tortoise yawn.

Thank you and I hope that some day you will also see a tortoise yawn my friend. Just keep on watching them.

This post does ooze with that 'lazy sunday' afternoon vibes * ___ * I feel really sleepy also looking at all of these sleepy animals zzzz <3 What a beautiful post with really wonderful photos !!! <3

So glad that you liked it my friend and it even made me feel drowsy while I was working on the post. My idea was to bring about some Sunday peace.

I didn’t like a daytime sleep in my childhood, but now I would like to have it. But unfortunately we do not have an afternoon rest. Thank you for the wonderful photos)

Me too, but now after burn out I have learnt that rest is an absolute necessity. Take care of yourself and thank you for the kind words about the photos!

Thanks for those awesome pictures, I must say that you’re a good observer, being patient enough to capture those animals.

Some of us are too busy to rest and sooner or later the bodies say that they have had enough.

🖕That’s the greatest unpleasant response to get from our body!

We should take it easy in life because come rain, come shine; human wants remains insatiable!

I appreciate you @papilloncharity

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Thank you for the kind words my friend.
The amazing thing is that many times one's body gives no advanced warnings and one wakes up one morning with a terrible pain, not knowing what is wrong. Invariably it's then off to the doctor to be given some bad news. All due to the stresses of chasing about every day!

Thanks for such a lovely reply. Remain awesome!

Is it just me or your photos are making me sleepy? The sleeping squirrel especially. So there are also wild tortoise roaming around in your area? Here they are very expensive when bought as pets.

The photos were designed to make you sleepy my friend hahaha.
We have many wild animals here in South Africa.
So sad that people sell them as pets.

Hello @papilloncharity
Awesome photographs.. all the photographs are beautiful but i like 3rd photograph most from this photographs tortoise open mouth..

Thank you my friend and the tortoise was sleepy in the heat.

Really pretty good...I was wondering how long you kept waiting to take these shots....or let them yawning 👌

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Thank you and I don't mind long waits my friend.
It's always the end result that is the reward for waiting.

These shots are great. Animals show us human how to stand a hot day.

Thank you and oh yes, mother nature is the teacher.

@papilloncharitty I have never seen a turtle that big..and That's a very big turtle

And the picture that the two squirrels look like is sleeping...

All these images look amazing ...

Then you really want to see our very big tortoises my friend. This guy is a youngster compared to the very old ones!
Glad that you like it!

It's still morning here, but now you have me wanting to take a nap! Once I became a personal trainer and started waking up at 4:30 many mornings a quick power nap became a lifesaver when I had evening clients, as well. I can't lie down for too long or I'll become groggy, but sometimes just 20 minutes with my eyes closed can help me power through the day!

Love all the animal examples, especially the little babies!

Thank you and I have heard about the power naps and their benefits, but I just cannot convince my body to take a nap. You must be a very good personal trainer!

Such sweet images of nature, @papillioncharity. And you are spot on with the importance of relaxing our bodies. If everyone realized how stress effects us, we'd rest more. It's the number one thing I tried to teach as a massage therapist to my clients, along with breathing from the belly. Nail those two things daily, and we'd all be a lot happier inside ♥ Thank you for sharing your delights!

Thank you my friend and we are slowly recovering from the hell of burn out. Breathing of course is essential in relaxing the body, but in our case it is to get the emotions restored and the twisted thought patterns unwounded. Charity work is not for the faint hearted and we had to face extra stress every month end to get the bills paid. 18 years of this has almost sent us around the bend, but thankfully we have turned over a new leaf and things are getting better.

Hahaha.. these animals are funny again in their sleepyness. Yes, often wondered, how a turtle does the temperature management...

My dad always takes a nap after lunch, and the thought is becoming more and more appealing, as I get older. So far sleeping in the afternoon is pure luxury though ;-)

Not a luxury my friend but instead a necessity. We felt fit and healthy the one day and the next day we were listless wrecks. I had to have a major operation to unblock an artery that feeds blood to my brain and am still now in the recovering stages. Passion drove us beyond the boundaries and stress took its toll.
Take care of yourself!

LOL, they are all so cute and adorable!

Thank you my friend and glad that you liked them!

You are most welcome my friend!

I love to rest after sunday lunch in my hammock :) The best place for a quick nap! Really love your turtle <3

I am unfortunately not there yet, trying though, after a lifetime of non sleep in the day it is a very difficult task. Thank you and blessings to you!

Great pictures of animals! The yawning turtle is a masterpiece.
As a child, I, like you, could not sleep during the day. Now I would do it with great pleasure. But I'm afraid they won't understand me at work ...

Hahaha, I just think it would be funny if everyone were to see you asleep at work.
I don't think that the bosses would be impressed though!

Those are some awesome wildlife photos! Do you have to go out hiking to find all those different animals or are they just there hanging out around your house? I'd have to go to a zoo to see cool animals like that.

Thank you my friend. The birds are in the large back garden here at the old heritage house where we are now staying and so are the squirrels. I found the tortoise at a lake and spent some time to study his lifestyle. A very slow lifestyle I have to say.

Oh!!! That was totally adorable!!! I loved the sequence of shots with the tortoise and those baby birds sleeping all together= precious!!

There is no way I can nap during the day! To do so would kill my night totally! This is such a wonderful post. I will have to come back and visit it again! Thank you so much!


Glad that you enjoyed it my Lady and blessings to you for the kind support!
Years ago I used to work shifts and it was extremely difficult, as one was supposed to sleep in the day for the nightshift. Most days I ended up working double shifts and only slept on weekends.

Oh, yes! I worked shifts for years. Days and Nights. I am not sure how you kept up that pace, but, God must be with you!

Blessings dear man.

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Absolutely gorgeous photography @papilloncharity! Don't we all learn a little too late, not easy slowing down when one wants to do too much!

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Thank you Lady Lizelle and as I said elsewhere, I will have to wait until I am old before I could try to sleep in the day. At night I will take my walking stick and climb up on the roof to sing the neighbors to sleep.
They will probably have me arrested for screeching the peace!

@papilloncharity lovely pictures!! 🍁

I have never seen a tortoise yawn before.

Btw, did you use a DSLR to shoot these photos? ((:

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Thank you and I hope that one day you will also see one yawn my friend.
I use a Canon Powershot SX60 HD (Fixed Lens)

I love this species.. thanks for sharing..

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Thank you and glad that you love it!


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Amazing pics. Can't handle so much cuteness and sweetness. Awwwwe!

Great to see you here John Snow. Thank you and all blessings to you!

Why do I have the rotten luck of viewing sleepy creatures when I myself have just woken up? I better get back to bed!

Hahaha Maybe you must make a plan. Try to stay awake when they are sleeping Lol

I will give them coffee so we can sleep at the same time. hahahaha

Love the pics! Just seeing all those sleepy critters made me a little sleepy as well. I do love an afternoon nap!

I remember my grandparents napping in the afternoon. They would both fall asleep in their chairs, heads up and mouths wide open. It was a tradition.

Today, my grandmother swears that she has never napped in her life. Hmmmmm......


Another hahaha, I think it comes from the farms, as all farmers take an afternoon hap because they get up so early in the mornings. Maybe your grandmother is just trying to be modern. With it you know!
Thank you for the visit and blessings to you and yours!

Oh, she's super modern. She's lately gotten into adult coloring books. She's quite good at it too! :-)

She sounds very cute indeed!
Blessings to her!