Went to this park with a monumental Soviet WW2 memorial on the weekend and was able to take some mildly cool HDR shots in which the green of the grass came out really well.
The memorial itself is quite the joke. Shows once again that government in general is just not our friend, socialist communist ones especially. **They tried to make it look all business, Romanesque and monumental but looking at the gold engraved quotes of comrade Stalin babbling on about the common folk and revolution of the worker and the evil Germans when knowing about the inhuman and grotesque consequences of the mainly Jewish lead Bolshevik communist revolution in Russia which began in 1917 and which killed upwards of a 100 million common people before, during and after the second world war in Russia and other territories (Ukrainian famine comes to mind) makes the whole thing look like a bloody joke. Disgusting piece of physical propaganda.
To top it off the 'Russian Knight' statute at the end of the field stands on top of a shattered Swastika - kid you not. The beautiful ancient symbol representing the sun (or son) and god consciousness (even to this day in India for instance) being trampled on by a fake Russian Knight made to look like some Roman General courtesy of a bunch of atheistic socialist commissars with a superiority complex - oh the irony. Well there had to be some kind of justification for unleashing hell on Germany, Europe, Japan and the world after the brave and honorable allies had liberated the world of pure evil. Of course central banks, money and power had nothing to do with it.
Too bad that lesson was never learned that there is no pure evil, that sending off your kids into a war to die never benefits anyone except the financiers behind the curtain who wrap themselves in the flag and horror stories of 'the next new Hitler' who is so bad that you have to preemptively sacrifice that which is dearest to you even before anyone has even come close to being a threat.
Those who don't know their history are doomed to repeat it I guess. Perpetual warfare was and is the most profitable business since man left the cave.
Memorials like this serve to uphold the myth that it was all worth it - a bunch of big government, fascist, control freak bullshit if you ask me. Needless to say as of 1990 the faithful vassal state called the Federal Republic of Germany guarantees the continued maintenance and beautification of the memorial.
Thanks to Ole Dammegard for sharing the following prayer with which I'll let you go away from this color challenge turned rant contribution:
May the entire universe be filled with peace and joy, love and light.
May everyone, and especially the ones that hurt us, be filled with peace and joy, love and light.
Victory to that light!