Decaying Connecticut - SteemitPhotoChallenge Entry

in photography •  9 years ago  (edited)

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Nice photo's, especially the 3rd looks little bit creepy indeed


First one grabbed my attention - the stars are looking good!

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Great shot @pfunk, they are like the modern day version of ancient ruins. It has a rich storied experience to the images.

Cosmically cool photos!
Thank you pfunk!!!

Thank you for the compliment @vlad

Every time I take pictures of lost places I imagine how it would be to meet a stranger in the middle of the night there. Would it be like: shit, one of us is going to die or more like "what's up bro!"

looks creepy... ghost houses?????

Cool I like it :))

Very similar to the ruins in Russia :) Surprisingly, even in the dark the camera could work. Such places always seem to be associated with some mysteries. Thanks for sharing, @pfunk!

Cool photos ;)

Great photos. The night effect adds that extra touch:)..Followed.

Thanks :) I forgot to mention, I didn't have a tripod on me. I had to improvise.

Yeah makes it hard for night shots without one...leaning on a fence maybe?..actually looks like your on the ground on one of them

Well done!

Is this Bridgeport?

Surreal! Infernal! The night leaves its mark on the world of things! It remains only admire and contemplate. You perfectly caught the atmosphere!

Scarry. Were you alone there? :)

Yep, was a little scary, but I skipped the more scary trip, a 1/4 mile hike into the woods to find an abandoned graveyard. Tooscary4me. I'll hopefully get there in the daylight hours first, then maybe return at night. Too late for the challenge but I'll see what I can find.

That certainly looks desolate. Nice photos.

Very cool work.

very good photos

Nice. Where in CT?