Pelazoneuron kunthii

in photography •  3 months ago 

Hello everyone. Welcome to my new blog. Today, I am here to share some of my photography with you. These photographs are very special to me, and I feel delighted to share them with you. Photography has become a passion for me, and as a result, I have turned into a photographer. I hope you will enjoy the photographs I am sharing today.




I often find Pelazoneuron kunthii growing abundantly near ponds. During a recent walk along a pond, I came across this fern. Its long, entirely green leaves are quite striking. While it doesn't have a strong scent, its appearance is quite beautiful. This fern isn't commonly cultivated and is usually found growing wild near bodies of water. A group of these ferns growing together can create a very attractive sight. I took some photos of Pelazoneuron kunthii that I found growing by the pond and wanted to share them.

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