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Those are not blackhole photo's. They're artist impressions :)

oh! my bad, I'll try to see if I can update the article again.

There was this guy who created a group of astronomers, his mission was to search for a non feeding black hole. He raised money to fund his team and equipment research despite every other astronomer stating they said it would be impossible to see a non feeding black hole because nothing can escape a black hole not even light...
Every night for eight years his team and he searched, one night they photographed micro-lensing. Microlensing is where light behind a dark black hole travels in a straight line toward Earth, then the light gets 'bent' around a tiny massively powerful gravity well (a non feeding black hole) before the light returns to its normal straight line...
This scientist had managed to attract funding on his impossible quest that all other astronomers said was impossible till he proved them all wrong.
The latest theory is that the matter being drawn into a black hole actually causes universes to be inflated on the opposite side of the singularity's event horizon. Of course there is no way to prove this theory currently but someone is currently seeking money and prestige to advance this latest theory of the cosmos...
/hugz ;)

Black holes never ever disintegrate ever, thus they feed and travel forever to the center of all galaxies.
There the black holes marry up with other black holes and spin everything around them, this is why most galaxies are almost all spiral or elliptical in shape; simply because everything spins around the ultimate power in the universe the gravity well of a a super-massive black hole...
/hugz ;)

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

By the way these drawings of feeding black holes are awesome !!!
People should go online and see Hubble space telescope images of real feeding black holes, those real images are even better :)
/hugz ;)