Visiting Sochi, Russia

in photography •  7 years ago 

I'm here for few days already and going to stay for few more. I'm heading home on 6th of February and going to be at home on 7th of February. I have a long trip home ahead.

My experience here so far is good even tho we had to face many problems just to finally leave Riga airport and fly to Moscow. Plane which we had to fly with was in a technically bad condition to fly and crew of that plane realized it only moments before the take off. We were going very fast, almost ready to get off from earth's surface until we suddenly stopped. Stopped quickly. It caused panic over few passengers for couple minutes. But soon everything was clear. We had moved out of the take off road and we were informed that there were techincal problems with wings.

We spend almost 4 hours sitting in a plane until everything was fine. When we finally arrived at airport in Moscow we had already missed our next flight to Sochi. But we got compensations and tickets to other plane so everything in fact was good, only that we had spent a lot of time.

Once we finally arrived to Sochi, we noticed that our luggage was missing. But we got it back after two days. Strange thing happened. My dad's t-shirt from Lisbon with its national symbols and few other things were missing.

Now everything is fine except that I don't have a camera with me. Photos I take here seem colorless and whack. However, I managed to select between them and have few to upload.










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This place is looking so peaceful ,keep doing this kind of adorable work.

It's incredible here during non tourist season. Next goal is to check on Sweden and Estonia and visit their Baltic Sea coast-lines. Hopefully I will manage to do it this weekend.
Anyways, thank you! I will try my best to keep them coming. ;)

Sochi had the 2014 winter Olympics.


Beautiful. The colors look stunning.

Thank God your journey was successful and you guys did not take off before they notice a fault. God actually save you guys. And nice pictures hope you enjoy your staying there.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yes, I'm really glad everything turned out positive. More than 100 lives might have been taken out and countless would have been left hurt. I'm thankful to God and others should be too. It might seem like nothing, but only one knows how it might have ended.
Thanks, glad you liked them!;)

That's good and thank God for everything. Please can you check my post. Thank you

very nice pictures
adorable place

Looks very cold. Great pictures. If you like traveling visit my Thailand post

Thank you! I will sure check you out!;)

that looks like the saddest amusement park I have ever seen.

It's not tourist season so everything is pretty much dead.

Very nic post.

Amazing post , amazing pics. Have a great time :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks, I'm glad you liked them. I will try my best to spend time here as good as I can. Best wishes for you from Sochi!;)

I know that the Russia are cold but the sea looks so beautiful.

I'm in very south of Russia. It's really not that cold here, about 13 degrees celcius now. And the sea is incredible. Everyday I come here and get a surprise.

Even though the problems the photos look really nice.I hope that were the only problems you had to face.How many degrees is it there ? It must be really cold now,I guess..

I hope too..
It's not that cold actually, about 14°C. Compared to tempature where I live I can definitely say that it's really warm. Back at my home it's only 3°C or 5°C.

Hahaha, I love that weird rock😂

With my odd fantasy I can very clearly see a fu"king monster face engraved on that rock💯💯

Yeah, I love how our minds do that stuff!:D It's really interesting how many that kind of rocks there are.

It is great that you have reimbursed the plane tickets or your next flight I am sure that the airplane lines are very considerate in that sense and never mind you are excellent the pictures nic post bro ^^

Now I don't really mind the problems that happened. I'm happy that atleast my parents and my sister had a safe flight.
Thank you!;)

The photos have come out good even though they are phone photography. Safe flight buddy!

I got help from basic photo processing app so I managed to bring them back to life. Thank you!
Hopefully everything will be fine and I will finally visit India at the end of this month. I already have my plane tickets, next left is only safe travelling and vizas.
I hope I'll get a chance to meet you again!;)

Woah! That's great. Where in India are you visiting? Ping me if you're visiting New Delhi or somewhere close. :D
Also, try adobe lightroom app on phone for photo editing. I use it and it is pretty good.

I will be in Puri and Vrindavan. It's quite far, right?
Ok! I will try it, currently I'm using snapseed, it's working fine, but I'm missing some features.

Puri is damn far but Mathura is kinda in a reachable distance.

excellent pictures friend you have a lot of talent and hurts for that problem you had but quiet that everything is solved the important thing is to get ahead, success and you have my support

Thank you, friend! What happened, happened. That's what life is all about.
Anyways, thank you! Best wishes to you!;)

its really a nice place ...
last time when i visited russia i went their...
your photo is like a professional photographer's creation....
nice hand for capture picture .....
thanks for share @pjo

It really is nice here.
Thank you! Glad you liked them and glad you think so!;)

Is very god

I hope to visit the black sea coast aswell someday.

It's really worth it! I hope you do too!;)

Excellent photograpgy and beautiful nature.everything charmed me.

Thank you! I'm happy you liked it!;)

I would love to visit Russia one day

I hope you get a chance to!;)

Wow,,super amazing..
It this nice post and very good photo,,i like it friend..

Thank you, friend! I'm super glad you liked them!;)

I am also very happy to friends, but I would be more happy if you do not forget to upvote my post ..😁😁

The plane incident was scary but good thing they noticed it before you took off. Anyways, nice photos. Would love to visit Russia someday.

Is it me fkd up or I don't know.. I didn't really care and was not afraid about that incident. I'm only thankful that my little sister and my parents had a safe flight.
Anyways:D I hope you do get a chance to visit Russia it's really worth it!;)

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Beautiful pictures
Sochi looks like under low temperature weather.
is It very cold out there?

It is considered cold compared to the tourist season. But for me it's warm. 14°C is a lot for me since I came here from Lithuania where it's only 4°C.
Anyways, thank you!;)

Trips are the spice of life.

I have a spicy month ahead then :D

Very nice photography @pjo.

Sochi, Russia

This place looks pretty beautiful.

If the place is like Sochi, you dont need a professional camera to capture its beauty. Its beautiful and colourful. Wish you a happier journey ahead. :-)

I can agree, but i can only imagine what could I do with camera.
Anyways, thank you!;)

Great post.
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