Does god exist??

in photography •  7 years ago 


Found this picture on internet and made me think for a while.Let me know what do you think about it.

This image is kinda food for your brain.

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the bible may be fiction however the sheer fact that you are thinking about it proves consciousness exists so why not an omnipotent consciousness which encompasses everything.

then ponder...

the human body is made up of atoms which are made up of even smaller materials of which both are comprised of mostly empty space which means that not only are you not here, you are empty space that thinks you are here.


you don't really exist yet you think you do...

now what could possible enforce that reality?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you for replying,
Your reply reminded me of my friend , who had said something equivalent to it from bhagavatgeetha.

glad i could provoke a thought or two.