in photography •  6 years ago  (edited)
Greetings this fine Saturday morning, or evening for some parts of the world. I trust all is well for everyone. My wife and I are leaving town for a couple of days starting Sunday. I will have my laptop with me. I will try and read some comments, reply and upvote as time allows. The internet does not always work well at the place we are going. I need some relaxation, so will catch-up when we return.

I have been busy trying to get as much done before we leave. Yesterday I finished canning the last of my tomatoes. For the year I was able to can 62 jars of tomatoes. I started picking apples yesterday and want them off the tree today. The wildlife have gotten about half of the fruit, which I do not mind. But, now it is my turn so I have some for storage and for canning applesauce. We finally had a freeze so it is time to pick my winter squash, and finish harvesting the rest of my potatoes, onions, and shallots.

I have again struggled with which photograph to begin with. I finally decided for something cheerful and bright:


I post so many flowers that I do not always remember what has been posted. In view of this if my logo is not yet on the photograph then I assume it has not been used. I do not recall what flower this next one is, but the colors are very warm:


I did not forget a rose, I just felt the first two were nice and bright and cheerful. The rose is one of mine that I grow:


This next photograph is from last month when my wife and I drove north of where we live to my daughter's weekend getaway. I wanted to get a photograph of this huge rock and thought my wife and daughter standing next to it would provide a nice contrast to see the massiveness of this rock.


This next photograph is just behind mine and my daughter's property. Whenever I walk through this area I cannot help but pause and enjoy the view:


One last flower to enjoy. I caught it just as it was in the process of opening:


I thought I would close out my weekend post with a photograph of another fawn. I have posted photographs of twin fawns, but this one is a different one. Those of you who have seen previous photos I posted of deer may recall the doe I captured on my game camera who was running through the field. Some called her a "flying deer". That doe is the mother of this youngster.


I am using a Canon EOS Rebel T5 for all of these photographs, except where noted. Most of my floral photographs I am using a Marco-lens that came with my camera.

Upvotes and resteem are always welcome. In the event anyone wants to use one of my photos please ask and give me credit.


end of post graphic.png

I wanted to remind everyone of the new site called WEKU. Thus far I am enjoying meeting new people, and of course some of you visit my blog there as well. Everyone has been friendly and helpful. In the event you have not heard of this platform look it over. We all are starting out on the same level and if it becomes successful maybe "minnows" here will become "whales" on weku. It is nice because I see a lot of harassment by some steemians toward newcomers here on steemit, but not on weku. There are no bots yet being created to harass people like we find here. I am hoping all of that stays out of weku. Hope to see you there (just click the link on the next line).


If you are already on WEKU my user name is the same as it is here and that is @r2cornell. Come visit. I did an introduction post, so if you have never seen mine from steemit take a look. I also have been doing a few extra posts during the week.

I AM GOING TO TRY AND EDIT THIS POST. THIS RECENT HARDFORK IS PREVENTING ME TO DO VERY MUCH ON STEEMIT. I AM UNABLE TO UPVOTE COMMENTS, AND I AM UNURE IF I WILL BE ABLE TO BEFORE THE 7 DAYS ARE UP. I WAS OUT OF TOWN LIKE I STATED EARLIER IN THIS POST, AND UNABLE TO DO ANY UPVOTING OF YOUR COMMENTS. I WANT EVERYONE TO KNOW THAT IT IS DUE TO THE HARDFORK. MAKES ME MORE INTERESTED IN WEKU. I voted only once in 3 days because I was gone. I have no voting power. It just errors out, or upvotes only a couple of cents. Someone did not test out fork before they screwed up the blockchain, or this should have been fixed beore going live. I have major concerns as to what this hardfork means. 09.26.2018 a.m.

9.26.18 p.m. My percent of voting power really got screwed upwith this hardfork. Not sure why they did this just because some hold more SP than others. My percent of voting power is still so low that even if I was able to upvote comments it would not amount to much. I still hope I can before the expiration time, but I do not hold out a lot of hope. Supposedly they ran this on a test net so as to fix problems. In the event they did this (ran it on a test net to fix issues) then I view what has happento be done on purpose. Not sure why. But they really made a mess of things.

Then if you get bored try to read what they say the good of all this is going to be. Yeesh!

**09.28.18 a.m. Everyone I still do not the power back necessary to upvote everyone's comment on this post. 7 days are almost up on my post. I can try and upvote late today but I will not be ableto get to everyone. I know it it is not my fault, yet I still wish to apologize for this fiasco. From what I can tell these changes negatively impact newcomers and "minnows". I am convinced it was part of the plan in doing this. I see no added value.

I may save my voting power for my new post. With the new rules I have no idea how my voting will unfold. All I can do is try.

I have been posting on weku more frequently than I do here. I posted twice yesterday. I have a small following there so I even have been able to upvote at a much higher percent to help followers build their power faster. I know we cannot yet sell our weku, withdraw it, or know it's true value, but I am willing to take that chance. There are some followers from here that were already on weku when I got their. While the mess here is getting clarified I encourage you to check out weku. Here is my referral link: https://deals.weku.io/pick_account?referral=r2cornell

I may have more to say about weku in tomorrows post.

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All flowers of different colors are looking amazing and beautiful.

agreed 😍

Thank you very much.

Thank you very much, and thank you for visiting my blog. Welcome!

What an amazing flowers

Thank you very much, and thank you for visiting my blog. Welcome!

Wow that is amazing photography . it is very beautiful flowers and nice color . very good writing .thanks for sharing.
Have a great day.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

Good morning sir @r2cornell.
Sunflower has sunburn. The beauty of nature. As always, every photography is very beautiful. For us it's a great week to see your great photography a day of the week. You really are a good photographer.

Those wonderful photos will make my weekend better

Thank you very much. I am happy they will add to your weekend.

Awesome photographs sir really with out you i cannot look these flowers and i am very thankfull to your photos.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

I love to see these kinds of plants in my garden your blogs are always amazing sir i love to be in your comment section.

Thank you very much, and thank you for visiting my blog. Welcome!

Wow wonderful flowers sir nice to see this as you always comes with something special.

Actually, quir sunflowers have hit 10+ft and continue to grow. Always facinated with the patterns of the head of the sunflowers. Actually, i love Sunflower - What you just showed me is solid happiness.

Really beautiful photography, Just need to go and visit Spectacular Nature and Fun, To God Be The Glory, blessings to you always.

Steem on!

Thank you very much.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

WONDERFUL Photography of Flowers. I wonder you still have such a beautiful flower season. We had only 1-2 months in the whole year.

Brilliant Micro Shots. Lovin it..

Thank you. The secret of extending the flower season is to take a lot of photos when they are in bloom and then I have plenty to carry me for awhile. I have been moving my photos off of MyCloud server onto my 3rd hard drive so I can better access them. I am hoping to have enough to carry me through the winter months.

Now how can this be explained by evolution?
The God of the bible made such a beautiful creation, even when cursed, it still holds beauty. A rainbow along with the rain, joy even when the world has pain.

📜A little poem:

The Rose

Emergent life ever within
Beauty in willful expression
A silent pulsing rapture
Blessed be the accord

thank you for visiting my blog.

Good morning sir. Your photography is always perfect , i also enjoy your beautiful family moments with your wife and daughter. I pray for your longer happy life, God bless you.

Thank you very much.

Wow ! extraordinary photography
Beautiful pictures thank you..Greets
as a photographer i can say this is very good work!

Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

Execellent photography sir ,mind blowing ,,i will never seen this photos ..like it

very nice photography @r2cornell
I love all nature pictures

Thank you very much.

I decided to visite these because I have been listening to Eckart Tolle and he says that if you go into nature and watch without naming anything you can see how alive everything is. I don't have a lot of nature around me so. And the most marvelous thing is I could see that not just the flowers were alive but all the leaves were alive too. They were moving slightly and I realized that everything in the picture was full of life! Just like he said!

However, extraordinary captures @r2coll which facinates me a lot.
Especially, i love flower, tree, animal, after all nature
Thank you so much!

Thank you very much. I find it interesting that Eckart Tolle's name keeps popping up in my life lately. I have a couple of his books in hard copy and his first one in audio as well has print. Because it keeps coming up I have started reading his first book. I can see the wisdom of observing nature without all the labels. I believe then one becomes to touch the true essence of nature.

I am happy you enjoyed. Thank you for bringing Eckart Tolle up in this process.

Amazing picture, the environment looks great and with mixture of beautiful lights
and addon effect of this picture is natural views.

Thank you very much.

Thank you very much.

Awesome photography dear @r2cornell sir

Thank you very much.

Hello my best friend very wonderful nature flower photography. I like it your great full post. thanks for sharing your beautiful life.

Thank you very much.

You are most welcome

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Thank you very much.

These spring flowers are amazing and touché she to the heart. Cause I am also one who loves spring season the most. Spring is always lovable by every person and you made this post with love, the love shows towards flowers. Awesome

Thank you very much, and thank you for visiting my blog. Welcome!

I tend to love all 4 seasons, although Spring and Fall are my favorite. Spring because of all the new growth and of course flowers. Fall because of the harvesting of my garden in preparation for Winter.

Very nice flowers photography sir. I like it your every photography. thanks for sharing this.

Thank you very much.

That looks so amazing! I really love how you were able to capture the bees in those pink roses.
It's really amusing to watch insects at work, it can even inspire you to become a better worker haha.

Thanks for sharing this beautiful photos! Keep up the good work!

Thank you very much.

These flowers really brightened not only my weekend but also my life thank you so much @r2cornell.

Thank you very much, and thank you for visiting my blog. Welcome!

I'm enjoying your photographic world. Perfect flowers shot you have captured. Have a great day sir @r2cornell.

Thank you very much, and thank you for visiting my blog. Welcome!

The first flower feels like its talking to everyone and says, cheer up, God loves you. Bright tomorrow coming your way shortly.

Incredible as always. What a wonderful world!
Thank you for sharing this all of us

Thank you very much.

Beautiful photography and it makes our weekend cheerful and delighted.

Thank you very much.

Greetings Mr. @r2cornell, it is nice to greet you again.
I am glad to know that you will take a few days of rest with your wife, I hope you enjoy a lot, and recharge your energies, it is always good to get away from the daily routine and relax a bit.
I love when you speak, of their preserves, I would like to be able to harvest my own products, but I really do not have space. My husband and I sometimes do some preserves, mainly tomatoes, we do it in the form of passata, of course, we buy fresh tomatoes in the market.
As for her photographs, as always they are all excellent, of course, among the flowers the rose with that color, deep red, I find it charming. The photograph of the rock is impressive and reminded me a lot of the land where my grandparents lived, and where many of the weekends of my childhood pass, it is an area close to the beach, but at the same time it is a mountainous area, that the road through which it was accessed was built, dynamiting the mountain, so it is normal to find huge rocks, which are sometimes very intimidating. And of course, his photographs of fawns seem super tender, cause me to have a pet.
Well now I say goodbye to you, wishing you again, the best during your trip. Take good care of yourself and God bless you.


Saludos Sr. @r2cornell, es grato saludarlo nuevamente.
Me alegra saber, que se tomará unos días de descanso junto a su esposa, espero que disfruten mucho, y recarguen sus energías, siempre es bueno alejarse de la rutina diaria y relajarse un poco.
Me encanta cuando hablas, de sus conservas, me gustaría tener la posibilidad de poder cosechar mis propios productos, pero realmente no tengo espacio. Mi esposo y yo a veces realizamos algunas conservas, principalmente de tomates, lo hacemos en forma de passata, claro, compramos los tomates frescos en el mercado.
En cuanto sus fotografías, al igual que siempre todas son excelentes, por su puesto, entre las flores la rosa con ese color, rojo profundo, me parece encantadora. La fotografía de la roca, es impresionante y me recordó mucho el terreno donde vivían mis abuelos, y donde pase muchos de los fines de semana de mi niñez, es una zona cercana a la playa, pero a la vez es una zona montañosa, ya que la carretera por donde se accede fue construida, dinamitando la montaña, por lo que es normar encontrar enormes rocas, que a veces son muy intimidantes. Y por supuesto, sus fotografías de cervatillos me parecen super tiernas, provocan tener uno de mascota.
Bueno ahora me despido de usted, deseándole nuevamente, lo mejor durante su viaje. Cuídese mucho y Dios lo bendiga.

Muchas gracias. Tu esposo creo que mencionó la passata. Lo busqué y suena bien. Los tomates "frescos" de la tienda de abarrotes en los meses de invierno son básicamente tomates verdes que utilizan algún tipo de gas para que se vean rojos. Utilizamos muchos tomotoes en nuestra cocina, por lo que es agradable ver los estantes alineados con tomates enteros. Todavía tengo un montón de jugo de tomate enlatado, así que me salté eso este año.

En lugar de enlatar más tomates, recogí todas mis manzanas ayer. La vida silvestre ha estado atacando mi árbol. Guardaré algunos para comer en fresco, pero luego haré puré de manzana.

Aquí voy a despegar en una tangente en la cosecha y la preservación. Cerraré para poder terminar de empacar.

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Thank you very much. Your husband I believe mentioned passata. I looked it up and it sounds good. "Fresh" tomatoes from grocery store in the winter months are basically green tomatoes that they used some type of gas to make them look red. We use a lot of tomotoes in our cooking so it is a pleasent sight to see the shelves lined up with whole tomatoes. I still have lots of canned tomato juice so I skipped that this year.

Instead of canning more tomatoes I picked all my apples yesterday. The wildlife have been raiding my tree. I will store some for fresh eating, but then make some applesauce to can.

Here i go taking off on a tangent on harvesting and preserving. I will close so i can finish packing.

wish you have wonderful vacations break yup sometimes we need it badly for mental well being

Thank you very much.

Like you i have also a good weekend. Your photography are always awesome. I love your photography.

Thank you very much, and thank you for visiting my blog.

Wao waiting for your great weekend post.Your photography always amazing.I really like flowers,Flowers are more important in our good health,This sun flower looks so pricious,And pink colour flower is unique,pink flower looks so beautiful post.This red flower looks so fabulous,Red flower is my favourite flower,Really this is very huge stone,This stone looks so great,both of looks so great beautiful.Big tress looks so impressive,This last flower looks so amazing.and This deer looks so cute,I m so enjoying your photography.I always like your photography,Thanks for sharing sir @r2cornell

Thank you very much.

nice rose,,sar IMG_3377-a.JPG

Thank you very much.

My dear sir, you are a real photographer. All flowers of different colors looking more gorgeous and mind blowing............@r2cornell

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Hi @r2cornell, there will only be two days to enjoy and relax, it's a short time but the important thing is to share time with your family.
Thank you for your post full of flowers and nature, as always my favorite the rose, but the color orange flower is very beautiful too.

Blessings :)

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

Nature is a beautiful inspiration for life, creation, we all create a wonderful unity, beautiful pictures
Share on twitter.

Thank you very much.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Thank you very much.

awesome photograhphy dear.I like this photography.

Thank you very much, and thank you for visiting my blog. Welcome!

See your blog and you will see I left a comment about copying my work withour permission. I also explained where the resteem button is. Resteeming is okay, but copying and pasting is not okay.

Very beautiful flower photo,who doesn't love it, it reminds me the mercy of almighty, who has created the all natures, He is the creator, He is the nourisher, maintainer, sustainer, we should obey His Command, He is Allah, we have to back again to Him.

i love your flower photography.


Beautiful macrophotography sir.
I like it this beautiful flowers. I appreciate your valuable photography. thanks for sharing this sir..

I am very happy to read this post, without a doubt you are a very creative person, I follow your work since I started working on the platform, I always cause pleasure to visit your blog, congratulations for all your achievements and continue your success !!! !
I love flowers....

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Very nice flowers photography
I like it this beautiful flowers. I appreciate your valuable content. thanks for sharing this..

Beautiful flowers photography sir.
I like it your beautiful photography. I appreciate your valuable photography. thanks for sharing this..

Very nice macro flowers photography. I like it your every beautiful photography. thanks for sharing this sir..

What an eye touching photography you shared @r2cornell these are my heart favorite flowers. Of course Nature has provided us with so many varieties. we need to enjoy and the beauty of such flowers bring us such joy with their incredible colors and fragrances. We all love flowers and appreciate their incredible beauty

I really like these flowers are lot sir you are a great asset to our community i am so glad to see you again.

Thank you very much for the beautiful flowers and posterity of the posterIMG_3047-a.JPG

Thank you very much. I appreciate it

Sir, every week, the beautiful jayoga of flowers, vegetables and darlings in front of us is up for us. I have a book for youSTC_0158-a.JPG

Thank you very much.

Beautiful forest in the green. Very nice sir Green forest is my very favorite Thanks for showing our new site

Rose flower is very nice sir. This flower of flowers is my favoriteIMG_3377-a.JPG

Very beautiful deer I have a big hobby I want to observe a deer. Take care of it Thanks sir was very niceSTC_0158-a.JPG

The stone blocks are very big. There are two people standing beside him while standing. It looks very big. very niceIMG_3333.JPG

This flower is very nice sir. My very favorite flower. I like this flower. Thank you Sir for posting this flower.IMG_3070-Maybe (1).JPG

My favourite flower photography 💞💞 thanks for sharing this post..

I love flower photography 💞💞

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Hello, Sunflowers are extremely beautiful flowers, native to America, since the morning they turn following the path of the sun, however when they stop growing they stop turning until they are staring towards the east, they are representatives of love and the sun, they really are very beautiful in all the range of colors that are presented. The oil that is extracted from its seeds contains a large amount of vitamin E, its seeds and petals are edible, especially in salads, very rich indeed.
I was fascinated by your publication.

Place additional comments under your first comment so I can keep track better. I will notice your comment thread quicker too. Multiple comments that are not part of your original comment thread can be considered Spam.

Ok, I'll be aware, I'm new with this and I still do not know it well, grateful for your recommendations

Wow!Excellent photography.You are really creative photographer. Please stay with photography. how the beautiful natural view is! Very color full also.

I share your post on twitter..

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Wow wonderful photography. the great enjoy with weekend . its really sir.

Great Exhibition of flowers sir,Thank You so much for sharing.

Beautiful photography sir.
I like it this beautiful flowers. thanks for sharing this

it seems that the interest in this post is very beautiful, very interesting and suitable for planting in the house

Great natural photography sir. The rose is looking so beautiful. You are a great photographer besides a great human being.

Nice flowers photography . Enjoy your journey with family . Happy journey . Namaste

Very cool blog post! I have also just finished up canning tomatoes from this years harvest we ended up with only half what you did 26 cans but we also did pickels and holy cow we had tons about 70 cans all together!

Wao these flowers are so beautiful and the concept of the colours are breath taking and amazing Weldon sir. Indeed nature is full of beauty and hope. Nice work sir

Nice flowers , nice pic of your wife and daughter . Enjoy your upcoming trip. Namaste .

Such a beauty!!

Always like your flowers photography. Todays pic are also beautiful . Best wishes for your journey . Namaste .

I love sunflowers! It looks like a perfect trip!
Have a great Saturday:) T.

Enjoy your time man :)

and yeah it is great to take some time off and get to relax a bit ;)

While as usual great images liked them all. The flowers are awesome .

Great to see you on weku and yeah enjoying there as well.

@r2cornell sprrb clicks

Beautiful and wonderful flowers sir once again great exhibition from you sir,thank you.

Great Flower Photography sir,Thanks a lot for sharing.

Wow i am so glad to see you again,btw these flowers are awesome thanks a lot for sharing sir.

Flower photography is very beautiful. I love your flower photography.Looking forward for next blog post.

Greetings, Mr @ r2cornell, as always beautiful photographs, I hope you have a good trip and can relax after so much activity, I really liked the rock photo, the grass that has on the top makes it look like it was growing hair.

I am Enjoying Your Flower Photography So Much,Thanks a lot for sharing sir,Have a great day,keep smiling.

This is really cool photographs you are a great inspiration sir love the photos you provide.

Beautiful photograph

While I love all the flowers as I am very passionate about flowers and macrophotography, in this particular article, that rock and deer are the cutiest take from this article.

Thank you and Have a great day.

I love flowers.I like flowers gardening.your is post very beautiful.

Wow beautiful flowers.It is very excellent post that is everyone like it

Bright colors represent a fun weekend situation for all of us. We enjoy what you share.
Thanks you @r2cornell

Good photography and Good writing

Las margaritas son flores muy lindas son parecidas al girasol en el color de sus pétalos

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

buena por esa cornell hermosas fotografias

These all amazing photographs have attracted me toward your post ,today I can,t say which photograph is more beautiful ,all pics are amazing.

Bunga yang cantik @r2cornell saya sangat menyukai postingan anda teman dan saya ingin sekali membagikan postingan kamu teman yang baik , terima kasih atas informasi bunganya teman ,

World of Photography
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Wow excellent photography and great shots .nice looking for flowers photos
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