Selfie Bersama Siswa ( Selfie with Students )

in photography •  8 years ago 


Foto ini diambil saat siswa siswa akan masuk kelas untuk belajar.
Tampak semangat yang tinggi tercermin dalam senyuman mereka.
Dapatkan ilmu dan pengalam yang baik sebanyak-banyaknya anak-anakku.
Semoga kelak kamu menjadi orang yang sukses...

Selfie with Students at School Picket Post

This photo is taken when the student will go to class to study.
High spirits appeared reflected in their smiles.
Gain good knowledge and experience as much as possible of my children.
Hopefully someday you become a successful person ...

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Good selfie. Followed and upvoted.

Amazing.. thank you for sharing @radjasalman .... Your post is very interesting, success continues for you.