RE: To Free the Nipple, or Not to Free the Nipple

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To Free the Nipple, or Not to Free the Nipple

in photography •  8 years ago 

Well, I enjoyed your rant. I grew up in Denmark... now live in the USA.

For me, it's now about whether your nipple is "free" or "not free," it's about how YOU-- as a person-- "carry" your lndividual choice. Are you comfortable or awkward with your choice? Why did you make your choice? Are you being "just another sheep," carried along by the pressure of some political statement, or do you just like how the sun feels on your boobs?

I'm not referring to you, in particular, but the "you" that is each individual woman.

With freedom (to do as you please) also comes accountability-- perhaps the "price" of freedom is having awareness of your surroundings, and who's in them, and how what you do impacts other. Situational ethics. Good judgment. As my wife likes to say "Be free, but don't be a dick."

Thanks for a thoughtful post!

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Very well said. I totally agree that freedom does, or should, come with it's responsibilities. I think I would like your wife!

Nipples should be covered. It is a private part of your body and no one should be flaunting it willy nilly.