Mi colección de antiguas revistas de Boca Juniors/My collection of old Boca Juniors magazines

in photography •  7 years ago 

Hola, en esta oportunidad les quiero mostrar una pequeña colección de revistas que me han sido cedidas por un señor que las pensaba tirar, ya que pertenecían a su fallecido suegro y yo las he guardado porque considero que son históricas e interesantes. Son revistas del Club Atlético Boca Juniors, con sus fotos, notas de color, sección de humor, y demás, todas de la década del '40.

Hello, this time I want to show you a small collection of magazines that have been given to me by a man who planned to throw them away, since they belonged to his deceased father-in-law and I have kept them because I think they are historical and interesting. They are Club Atlético Boca Juniors magazines, with their photos, color notes, humor section, and others, all from the 40s.

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