
in photography •  6 years ago 

There was once a fish. She lived in a vast ocean surrounded by many other fish, crabs, mussels, and turtles. She was poor and very lonely, and sad and unhappy from here. No one noticed her because she was just transparent and colorless. Even if she crashed into something or someone, no one paid attention to her. Often the fish swam for hours in the ocean, silent or weeping. Sometimes she thought she would be choked by such monotony and that great amount of water. Then she would swim up, up. She brought her head from the ocean, took a sip of air, and quickly descended. She reached the bottom, buried in the sand and falling asleep. Then everything was repeated over and over again. She began to get tired of her. She wants to do something and she can not. She wanted to help someone, and there was none to whom. She wanted to talk, but she was silent. Roller tears that were like her transparent. She was so sad and desperate she wanted to die, but she did not know how to do it. It was terrible! She would have gone crazy and lonely. The days went down, and the nights were even more dull, even more sad and black. Something amazing happened one night - the fish could not sleep. She felt helplessly here and there. Suddenly, at great speed, she went up, up. She turned her head out and something so quickly turned it back. For the second time, something had made her shoot her up, showing her head again, and then turning her back. For the third time something twisted and lifted it up. This time, it did not turn her back. The fish turned to the left, then to the right, looking forward, back, then down. There was nobody and nothing. Again, there was a mirror, and no one again. Suddenly a gentle voice was heard: - Hello, Rybke! Look up! It was then that the fish looked up and saw an asterisk brightly lit in the sky. - Who are you? asked the fish. "I'm your destiny," replied the star. "I've been watching you for a long time, and I want to help you. Just remember what I'm going to tell you. Tomorrow morning, you should go to the Great Rock very early, as you fish call the island in the ocean. Hide behind her and wait for the sun to appear. It bathes in the morning there. Removes his crown and leaves it on the rock. While bathing, take it and do not give it until it promises to help you. After that, the star just disappeared into the night, and the fish dived in the ocean, but she was so excited that she did not blink all night. Early in the morning, she swam early to the Great Rock. He found it easily because another island in the ocean was gone. She was hiding in a crack and a jackal. The fish did not wait long. First, a sunbeam, and then another. These were the hands of the sun. She stretched out and dropped her crown. She put her on the rock and slid across the water to wash her face, arms and legs. Everything was exactly the way the star said. The fish remembered her words and came out of her hiding place without seeing the sun. She lifted up, her fins and her mouth, grabbed the crown, then hid and waited to see what would happen. The sun shone, and he tried to take his crown, but he did not find it. What now? Without it, she can not do anything. We could not shine, neither warm nor do miracles. It was lost. That's why she started looking around, but she did not find the crown anywhere. She thought she had fallen into the water. The sun was very sad. Sitting on the rock and crying. He was crying and began to think what to do. She thought, wept and began to lament and speak aloud. She even feared that everything would perish - both flowers and animals, and humans, and then there would be great darkness, the earth would be deserted, the seas would dry up or become swamps and there would be no life without light, warmth and miracles! She touched the fish for the sun and everything she heard. She was not cruel, and she showed her a crown in her mouth. She forgot she had to want something for herself from the sun and silently handed it to her. The sun was pleased. She took the crown, put it on her head and smiled. She bowed the fish and started to sail where her eyes were, but the sun cried out to her: - Hey, Rybke, wait! - stretched one beam and turned it. The fish danced. The sun became very cheerful. It's all over. He stroked the fish from head to tail and became a wonder unseen. The fish became golden and very beautiful. Then the sun said, - Stay always gold and good! Help the people, the animals, the birds when they are in trouble ... Perform no more than three wishes and do not promise miracles bigger than your possibilities! After these words the sun rose up and shone the whole sky and earth. The fish dived into the water and swam pleased with the house. From that day on, the beautiful goldfish did nothing but good and became more beautiful and more beautiful. She taught and fulfilled the desires of those who were sad and in trouble.

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