Hello followers

in photography •  7 years ago  (edited)

Just a quick check in and hello from Syria. All is well, as I can't post anything out here in relation to whats going on or what we are doing this is more of a hello and everything is ok.

We've been out here since the start of April and will be here until October. It's just another 6 months away from home, this being my 3rd deployment.

This week we had a thunder storm hit the AO and it was something I haven't seen before as I'm presuming was a mixture of high winds picking up the dust and the sun then shining through, the entire area was engulfed in an orange tint. This lasted a couple of hours while lightning and thunder hit us.

This was a great photo captured while we were out on patrol, lightning shot across the strange tinted sky.

Syrian AO during a thunderstorm

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"Army Strong"
Our heroes, indeed all is well!!

Great to hear your good, awesome photo.

Thanks, all is fine. Been a busy year so far, I'm looking forward to getting home for good in october, Maybe finally get up to the dublin meet!

Great to hear from you mate and what an amazing photo.

Stay safe and give us updates whenever you can.

Thanks i mostly just enter the memechallenge these days too busy to sit and write and cant take photos of much out here.

Syria the most important country in the world history. I'm a history student and I have read a lot of things about Syria. The clod shed the country us the worst thing happens there. My heartliest sympathies with the people of Syria. May God protect you all and bring happiness in your lives.

Totally fab photo. Be safe. 😀

You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

This was a great photo captured while we were out on patrol, lightning shot accross the strange tinted sky.
It should be across instead of accross.