Arum Lilies Under The Dew Of The Rain

in photography •  3 years ago 

Good evening dear Hivers 🌃

Tonight I'd like to close today's posts by sharing with you the most beautiful scene that my eyes were able to witness lately.

I think that on previous occasions I have told you about the magic that rain and gray days produce in me. This time two perfect things were combined, the rain and the beauty of these flowers.

The mountainous climate lends itself easily to flowers blossoming to their fullest. These photos were shot in the garden of one of my best friends, in this specific occasion I was completely captivated by these Arum lilies.

Zantedeschia aethiopica

The scientific name of this plant is Zantedeschia aethiopica and it is native to Southern Africa in Lesotho, South Africa, and Swaziland. Ironically this beautiful plant is considered in some countries as a weed and a pest plant. Also, a curious fact about it is that it can be toxic for human consumption because it contains calcium oxalate. Intake of this component with only small doses can cause swelling and burning in the mouth and throat. In large quantities, it can cause digestive disorders, respiratory distress, and even death.

It is a pity to know that something so beautiful can become so dangerous, however, I must confess that it is a plant that I would like to have at home. I just fell completely in love with it. Am I the only one captivated by its beauty?

In the case of its symbolism, I found the following information

Zantedeschia aethiopica is the national flower of the island nation of Saint Helena, where it grows widely. Further, it is an important symbol of Irish republicanism and nationalism since 1926, because it is used to commemorate the dead of Easter 1916 and onward. ~ Wikipedia

Thank you so much for reading.

Best regards.


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