Enjoy Beautiful Views from the Peak of Geurutee Aceh Jaya.

in photography •  7 years ago 

The Geurutee Peak is the peak of the mountain name in Aceh Jaya.
Gunung Geurutee is located in an area crossed by national road west path so it is not too difficult for Sahabat to find the location of this tourist spot.
This place is also a favorite area for the riders who want to rest while enjoying the beauty of the island and sea from the summit.
Peak Geurutee is also directly dealing with the Indian Ocean so that from this place Sahabat can directly see the vast blue ocean overlays, and a group of small islands that look green from a distance. There is also a line of beaches with white sand, which surrounds the exotic islands
Location: Peak Geurutee, Aceh jaya, Aceh, Indonesia

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I love the colors of the photos, truly an artist!I want to go cycling there and rest there.

Me encantan lo colorida de las fotos, verdaderamente un artista! Me dan ganas de ir en bicicleta hasta allá y descansar allí.

Thank you friend