Photography of a pair of very beautiful butterflies.

in photography •  7 years ago 

Hello friends steemit everything ... !!!
May you be in good health and happiness wherever you are. On this occasion I will share some pictures of butterfly macro photography. Hope you guys like it.

On this day I visited my parents' house, which is not far from where I live. They still have a huge backyard. There are also many overgrown with wild plants and there are many butterflies and other insects.

Suddenly a pair of very beautiful butterflies come up to my hands. I immediately thought, this is a great opportunity for me to take some pictures.


It seems they do not realize that they are standing on my hands. Maybe they forget all the threats when they're making love. I try not to surprise them. So I can freely take pictures.






All my pictures are portrait using xiaomi redmi note 4x camera camera and add macro lens help.

Location : Pidie district, Aceh province, Indonesia.

This is all I can share on this occasion. Hopefully you can enjoy the beauty.


Halo sahabat steemit semuanya... !!!
Semoga kalian dalam keadaan sehat dan bahagia walau dimanapun kalian berada. Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membagikan beberapa gambar tentang fotografi makro kupu - kupu. Semoga kalian menyukainya.

Pada hari ini saya mengunjungi rumah orang tua saya, yang berada tidak jauh dari tempat saya tinggal. Mereka masih memiliki halaman belakang rumah yang sangat luas. Disana juga masih banyak ditumbuhi tanaman liar dan banyak terdapat kupu - kupu juga serangga lainnya.

Tiba - tiba saya terkejut karena dihinggapi sepasang kupu - kupu yang sangat indah pada tangan saya. Saya langsung berpikir, Ini merupakan kesempatan besar untuk saya mengambil beberapa gambarnya.

Sepertinya mereka tidak menyadari kalau mereka sedang berdiri pada tangan saya. Mungkin mereka melupakan semua ancaman ketika mereka sedang bercinta. Saya berusaha untuk tidak membuat mereka terkejut. Sehingga saya bisa dengan leluasa memotret gambarnya.

Semua gambar saya potret menggunakan kamera smartphone xiaomi redmi note 4x dan menambahkan bantuan lensa makro.

Hanya ini yang dapat saya bagikan pada kesempatan kali ini. Semoga kalian bisa menikmati keindahannya.

Thank you very much for your support and do not forget to follow me @rizasukma.

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Ini sangat mengesankan @rizasukma

Lovely photos. Hey, @rizasukma, I was thinking about doing a small highlight post about some of my friends on Steemit in an effort to help boost awareness about what they are doing and posting about. Could I do a small post about you? I would just talk a little about some of my favorite posts that you have done and then tell my followers to come and look at your blog.

Please friend. I strongly agree. I'm waiting for that post. I am very happy to get this offer. Thank you very much for your great support for me. Good luck always for you @bigpanda.

Fantastic! I will begin work on this and try to post it before the end of this week. Thanks so much my friend.

Yes friends. I am also very grateful. .

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amazing is warna sayapnya keren banget, dan saya takjub juga bagaimana bisa kupu-kupu cantik itu begitu jinak, mau hinggap dan di foto di tangan anda, :)

Mungkin dia sedang hanyut dalam kebahagiaan. 😊. Terima kasih @dumasari.

beautiful photo you posting for us, thanks my friend

Thank you my friend 😊.

good post follow me @balia 😊

Nice photos you had there.. good job.

Thank you my friend. 😊

You got a 1.75% upvote from @mercurybot courtesy of @rizasukma!

Thank you 😊👍.

waoo my friend your clicks are really amazing as you said they didn't realize that they are sitting on your hand but i think your hand are very sweet that why they liked it

GOD blessed you and keep smiling my friend i really liked this post amazing one :)

Thank you very much for your excellent comments. Good luck always for you @sherrya. 😊

I think so @sherrya I would to saya like that too, Very sweet hand, How do you did it brother @rizasukma? I Think you gift them some honey of your sweet hand :)

Absolutely outstanding work :)))

Thank you very much my friend 😊

Wah wah, hana ubat potonyoe..cukop lagak bit bg riza.
Salam kangeun dari abu.

Teurimong geunaseh abu. Salam kangen juga :-).

Nice pic!! Please come to steemit chat when you available.

Thank you very much. Yes I opened the chat. 😊

beautiful butterfly buddies

Thank you @zubir01.

Mereka sangat cantik-cantik, dan juga sangat tampan ketika terlihat lebih dekat hehe

Iya mereka sangat indah. Terima kasih banyak @rizalfajri.

luar bisa photografy nya semoga selalu sukses @rizasukma

Terima kasih banyak kawan 😊.

pat tingai droe neuh bg

I can't believe how great the pictures are. The eyes are really cool to see.