The life of a beetle (Ladybug) that benefits | Photography macro lens.

in photography •  7 years ago 

Hello friends steemit everything ... !!!
May you be in good health and happiness wherever you are. On this occasion I would like to share some pictures of the koksi beetle ( ladybug ). Hope you guys like it.

Dear friends I love ,, We need to know that in addition to its shape and has a beautiful color, beetles can also benefit farmers. Because they are small pest-eating insects such as lice contained in plant leaves. So that its existence can function as a pest control naturally.

I found them looking for prey in the leaves of the eggplant plant that grew in the backyard of the house where I live.


Here are some pictures that I can portrait using the camera xiaomi redmi note 4X and add the help of macro lens.




This is all I can share, may be useful to all of us.


Halo sahabat steemit semuanya ...!!!
Semoga kalian dalam keadaan sehat dan bahagia walau dimanapun kalian berada. Pada kesempatan kali ini saya ingin membagikan beberapa gambar tentang kumbang koksi. Semoga kalian menyukainya.

Sahabat yang sangat saya cintai,, Perlu kita ketahui bahwa selain bentuk dan warna yang sangat indah, kumbang koksi juga dapat memberikan manfaat bagi petani. Karena mereka merupakan serangga pemakan kutu pada daun tanaman. Sehingga Keberadaan mereka dapat berfungsi sebagai pengendali hama secara alami.

Saya menemukan mereka sedang mencari mangsa pada daun tanaman terong yang berada di halaman belakang rumah tempat saya tinggal.

Berikut ini adalah beberapa gambar yang sempat saya potret menggunakan kamera smartphone xiaomi redmi note 4X dan menambahkan bantuan lensa makro.

Hanya ini yang dapat saya bagikan pada kesempatan kali ini. Semoga bermanfaat bagi kita semuanya.

Thank you very much for your support and do not forget to follow me @rizasukma.

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I don’t think I’ve ever seen a ladybug in such close detail before! There are some really nice shots for such a cute little bug!

Thank you very much for your support @snrm.

Perfect clicks, Man. you are a damn good photographer.
You are doing a great job

Thank you very much @oliviajasmine.

Ini sangat unik yang pernah saya lihat

Terima kasih banyak atas dukungannya @rizalfajri.

Yes i do

Nice Pic!! 276% upvoted. Thanks

Thank you @candyboy.

Thanks my friend!!

You are welcome my friend 😊.

Selalu keren

Terima kasih kawan 😊.

the shell is so shiny! this is a very amazing picture.

Thank you for your visit @sugarstar.

They are so lovely, really.

Thank you very much @citrarahman 😊.