Honey for the Eyes

in photography •  7 years ago  (edited)

3050 - Ogle Motherfuckers.jpg
Shot on iPhone SE / Unedited & w/o Filters

Heylo Esteemed Peeps of da Network,
I will be posting a series of photographs that I have taken over the past few increments of time.

As this would be the first in many, I would like to take the opportunity here to inform you a little bit about my approach towards photography. I have spent many years fidgeting around with cameras and the understanding that I have developed informs me that the camera follows its own logic. When we see things from our eyes, they are necessarily shaped by the structure and the capabilities of the eye itself.

When we see something beautiful and yank out a camera, it is usually with the aspiration to capture that which caught our attention, as is. That ain't how I roll y'all. See, what I have come to realise is that the camera and your eye are different entities, and you cannot make the camera capture exactly what your eye sees. This upsets many people, and it also helps boost the sales of software like Photoshop* - but none of that flies with yours truly. I look at the subject from a different perspective - the camera's.

You see, just like how the eye can do a lot that the camera can't, a camera can capture things in a manner that the eye can't immediately comprehend. That is what I find to be the most enlightening aspect of photography: It shows you a different way to see, to manoeuvre around the world that you find, and to push the proverbial word count of a photograph from a thousand words to, like, a novel - if you're ambitious enough.

So the photographs that I will be putting up here are all originals, perhaps cropped a bit here and there, but they are not edited - and a bonus here:
If you can identify the species of flora / fauna - you'll get an upvote and a reply from me for your quick mind and your sharp eye.

I trust that the fruits of my labour will bring joy to your mind, heart and eyes.

*Not hating on Photoshop, the software is quite amazing - however, I find that it is responsible for the degradation of many photographs as people try to mask the disappointment the feel with their shots by obfuscating various elements present within the frame. I find that becomes a hurdle for many people on the path of discovering the sheer pleasure of photography.

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