My Australian Adventure

in photography •  7 years ago 

Last winter (I live in the USA so my summer = Australia winter) I had the incredible opportunity to live and intern in Sydney, Australia. These are some of the photos from my trip. Most of the photos are taken with my iPhone but some were taken with my friend's camera. I had such an incredible time that I am hoping to one day live in Australia!

Great Barrier Reef and Cairns

The insanely beautiful Palm Cove Beach. Since it was "cold" (70 degrees and sunny) the beach was not busy at all!

My boss spoiled us at a local Palm Cove diner and we enjoyed endless small plates and appetizers.

Snorkeled in the Great Barrier Reef. WOW! What an incredible day. The waterproof case for my sports action camera worked wonderfully! Felt like I was swimming in an aquarium.


Probably THE coolest picture of myself ever taken. No filters, editing, photoshopping, etc. yet all the colors are incredibly pristine -- the water is a perfect blue, the trees a perfect green.
Of course we saw kangaroos. Fun fact: in Australia, kangaroos are just as common as deer are in North America.


The bar in the startup working space where I interned. What startup space would be complete without an office bar?

We were lucky to be in Sydney during Vivid, the festival of lights. Basically, the entire city becomes one huge light show. Here is a picture of the Sydney Opera House all lit up. Poor quality because my Australian phone did not have a good camera.

We had a meeting with an incredible VC. WOW what a view. Life goals!

Took a ferry across the Sydney Harbor at sunset and got a really cool picture of the harbor bridge.

Central Coast

The central coast. Not a tourist town so we were able to enjoy this nice sunset by ourselves.


The famous Bondi coastline. Even during the winter there were many surfers enjoying the waves.

Yep, I did try kangaroo while in Australia. Tastes like chicken.


An incredible gem only a ferry ride from Sydney. Got to climb on some cool cliffs like these.


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Wow, pretty much everything about this trip looks amazing. I wish I had the money, time and partner to properly enjoy it. #Someday

Thanks, it was incredible. But, would not have been able to do it if it weren't for the internship I had last summer. My goal is to finish college, get a well paying job, and move back to the Outback!

It's good to have goals ;-)

Really cool shots.

Thanks mate!

It looks Beautiful! Wish I was there. I live In Penn. American coal region. Only coal black mountains here. Thanx for your steeming post.

I've been to Penn. I go to school in Maine and the nature is quite nice so I am spoiled up there. Nevertheless, I'd pick Australia over Maine any day!

Wow awesome pictures! Australia looks amazing :D

Thanks! 10/10 recommend going if you have the chance

Would love to! One day :)

Great photos, and its good to hear you enjoyed the trip.

Thanks! Enjoy might be an understatement :)

Wow, really nice photos. I'm a budget traveler and have been backing around the globe for the better part of 14 years. Right now I'm in Guatamal where my nice hotel room is 8 dollars a night after negotiation. Yesterday I bought a pound of Macadamia nuts for six dollars.

This why Austrailia makes me nervous and I've never been there. I know it's damn expensive. True, no?

I've met fellow travelers who take advantage of their robust economy, dip in for six months. Work as a waiter or bartender or whatever, save save save. And leave with like 10-20k and go travel for another year or two.

Is this kind of what you do?

On a further note, I'm new here on steemit and have a lot to share with all my travel experience. I'd love for you to check out my "world travel pro report: Ecuador". I'm going to post it later today. I think you'll enjoy.

Thank you in advance..

up-voted and followed!

Thanks! Followed back! Wow, I have always really wanted to travel the world, but I have only been to Australia, Canada, and through most of the USA.

It is true, Australia can be pretty damn expensive. Luckily my boss helped with a lot of the costs. I did see a lot of backpackers though during my stay in Australia and spent some time in backpacker bars ;). Basically, you just have to stay away from the cities. When we traveled to Cairns (Great Barrier Reef) the prices were crazy! However, we moved a little ways outside the tourist hub and the prices were much more realistic. Like I said, based on the number of backpackers I ran into during my stay, I think it is possible to do a budget trip through Australia. Just avoid the tourist HUBS at all costs (pun intended).

Thank you for not only your kind reply, but very informative. I try to stick to a twenty dollar a day budget. But that's easy in Central, South America, and Southeast Asia. India forget it. I've met people that do a 5 dollar a day budget.

I do want to explore countries like Austrailia and like you mention it doesn't have to blow me out of the water if you're smart about it. It will definitely be doable with another income streem like steemit. Will be interesting to see where I'm at on here in six months! Hope you enjoy my report on Ecuador.

I really like this adventure story and photos
