My Favorite Photo

in photography •  7 years ago 

The Kiss


When he was younger and we had a house, our grandson Logan would love to come over to play and swim with our dogs. Our labs loved all the excitement and attention! This is a photo of our Black Lab Sophie giving Logan a big Labbie kiss. I processed the photo in Photoshop with Silver Efex. I feel that the black and white just helps the viewer focus on the kiss.
Logan is seventeen now and Sophie has crossed the rainbow bridge, but this remains my favorite photograph.

This is my entry for My Favorite Photo Contest by @wolfje

All photos and text in my posts are my original work.

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This is such a touching photo! It perfectly captures the spirit of the moment. Love it!

Thank you for your comments!

Beautiful image!!! Dogs recognize the goodness of children's unspoiled souls as opposed to people who during the life force of circumstance corrupted and lost the purity of the heart.

So true! Thank you for your comments!

My two favs, Grandson and my sweet girl, Sophie.

Two sweeties!

Very nice image and I feel the emotions coming through the lens. Thank you for entering the competition and good luck!

Thank you @wolfje!