Richelle Agdon Romero
Accountancy, Business and Management
CENTRAL MINDANAO UNIVERSITY - Senior High School Batch 2018
First, I would like to thank our almighty father for all the blessings, guidance and challenges that he gaved me. Being a senior high is not that easy, sleepless nights, crying because of loaded activities, and lots of exams, but now, it's all paid off. We are closer enough to our next journey and staying strong to all challenges we may take.
Thank you mama Roselyn and papa Edgardo for the unending support, love, and guidance. Also, to the teachers, classmates (pkpns - gonna miss you all! Good luck to the next journey), and to all my friends ( esp to my bobordz fam, I love you all! Mama sardines loves you always), thank you for always being there in times of need! It will always remembered!