Hidden worlds - Things your eyes can` t see - Infrared Photography

in photography •  8 years ago  (edited)

Today i wanted to present you another of my infrared photos.
Shot with a cam which was modified for this special kind of photography by removing the IR-blocking filter on the sensor and adding a "normal" light blocking filter which only lets IR light pass to the sensor.
Although it seems unreal it is very real, it` s just something that your eyes normally can` t see.
In this shot you can see very good that plants with lots of chlorophyll become white in IR photography, like the grass or the deciduous trees.
This fact is also used in aerial infrared photography to monitor the health of woods.
I hope you like the world in IR and wish you all a nice sunday :)

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©Rznag Rmrod

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very very cool !! reality distorted !

hehe...thanks so much

I love how the infrared makes eevrything look frozen. beautiful inspiring photo thank you!

yeah true, looks like snow and when i post or show infrared photos without telling most people think it` s shot in winter but don` t question why the trees have leaves :D
thanks a lot for your comment @simba, you have some very nice shots too....followed you..

Thanks :) Followed you as well :)

Cool, sieht aus wie im Winter

Ja hör ich öfters wenn ich infrarot bilder irgendwo poste oder zeige :D Leider haben hier die Bäume im Winter aber nicht soviele Blätter. Dank dir ;)

Wow. Sehr nice! Gefällt mir echt gut.

Danke danke @oululahti. Freut mich wenns gefällt. Hatte noch ein paar andere IR bilder gepostet die letzten Tage.

Schau sie mir grad an... ;)

Nice shot.
Did you mod the camera yourself? Would love to hear more about it

Thanks @azurejasper. Yes, i did mod the cam myself. I opened it and followed an internet tutorial.
I wanted to write a more detailed post about infrared photography in the coming days, so far i found no time unfortunately.

Cool. Sounds like that will be a great read, once you get the time to write / put it together!

Yes! Please write the tutorial when you have time. I'd love to read it.

Ok cool. Seems to be that there is some interest in something like an IR tutorial. Already a few people asked for more details but so far i had no time unfortunately. Thanks a lot for your vote. I already posted a few other ir shots over the last days if you` re interested in this kind of photography.

Ja, an einem solchen tutorial wäre ich ebenfalls sehr interessiert. Tolle Bilder, auch die vorherigen aus Deiner IR-Serie.

Danke, freut mich zu hören. Wird kommen in den nächsten Tagen das Tutorial. Ist schon fix geplant, leider bin ich zeitlich sehr eingespannt.

Great composition. I like it

Thank you so much. Glad you like it.

Wow. Funny how the world we perceive can really be just that, the world we perceive. This is a beauty lying just underneath our everyday experience

Exactly my thoughts. Like a hidden world before our eyes and we aren` t able to see it. Thanks for the comment.

lovely shot mate

hey, thanks a lot for the comment

This is absolutely magical, @rznag It reminds me of my home in the Adirondacks in the midst of winter, with the frozen lakes and ice covered trees. I think I miss the pristine water and beautiful nature the most.