Jungle daily - Feeling blessed Friday!

in photography •  7 years ago  (edited)

Happy Friday Steemit!

Many of you know already that I am in the jungles of Costa Rica far from what most would refer to as ‘civilization’. There is no atm in the nearest village or for at least 50 Miles and anti snake venom is a drive away too. I would have to drive 80miles to find a new pair of walking boots... and I don’t own a car here😉 So taxi is the only way to get anywhere beyond the beach road. We can ride motorbikes on the dirt tracks without them needing to be legal here up and down to the beach but you can’t get to town that way.
So happy I was therefore to find a couple of unexpected European delights in the village shop!! Not only a bottle of my all time favourite re wine CHIANTI from Italy but a bottle of Chianti from 2008!!!!! I was dumbfounded and thought this was definitely my guardian angel on my side ☺️


The other thing that I had been missing just a little a little also materialized in the little shop shelf...... stuffed olives from Barcelona ( that will give you a smile @flamingirl! )
When one lives a minimalist lifestyle ( my clothes total one pair of jeans, one pair of boots, one shirt , one dress, one pair of shorts and a bunch of bikinis) then it is a little fun to come across one or two of your favourite luxuries at the end of a muddy walk. I don’t buy them often but really enjoy them when I feel like splashing out occasionally.


Just in case you wonder on my choices for healthly consumables and are not aware of the health benefits of a daily glass of red wine, let me share this with you......

Red wine contains an antioxidant called resveratrol which actually prevents coronary disease and heart attacks. Obviously moderation is called for but that goes for all medicine😉

So thank you to my guardian angel who brings me together in nature with my sloth friends and a glass of Chianti. How could life get any better? This might not tick your boxes of where life is at but for me? ....... It’s pretty damn good 🤣



Do not seek love. Be Love.

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

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What a lucky girl you've been! I love Chianti! I might even go to shop now to cheer with you tonight :)

I'm not that fond of olives but my husband would love those.

And I love your minimalist lifestyle. People in general own so many things that they don't need. I realized a couple of years ago that I had a closet that is 4 meters long and it is full. From that moment I didn't buy anything. I really don't need it. I even managed to give some clothes the charity. I feel so good about it even now :)

Cheers to the weekend my dear!

Great to read your comments Martina and good work giving some of those unnecessary clothes away! Some years ago I had a room just for clothes! Ridiculous! Lightening the load is spiritually rewarding to say the least! Yes do get yourself a bottle of Chianti and we will raise a glass together across the planet!! Haha sounds like fun - a virtual steemit get together, maybe others will join us too😆❤️🍀💛🌈🌴🦋

Aw. Look at the sloth. I'd love to see one in real life. 😊

Of all the things to find in your local shop I would never have guessed a Chianti from 2008 and stuffed olives from Barcelona. That's bonkers! 😂

I didn't realise you were living quite so far from "civilisation". Thanks for the summary of what it's like travelling around where you live. 😊

Haha Yes Bonkers sums it up very well. Thank you Gillian for your always great comments. meeting sloths for the first time is hard to put into words , I love them dearly!


Have a great weekend🤗🌴🦋🌈💚

Tu angel gabriel68.gifte da lindos detalles pues tu te los mereces, un estilo de vida minimalisata para mi también es lo ideal, lo mas importante es un estilo de vida que te haga feliz y que permita que irradies esa felicidad al mundo, un abrazo singe2.gif

gracias por tu hermoso comentario estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo. Espero que estés disfrutando de España y que hayas encontrado una imprenta para que podamos disfrutar de tu arte nuevamente aquí en Steemit. ❤️🌈🦋

si hoy lo imprimi, estoy coloreando 😃

Yay that is awesome news!!

Fascinante total

Thank you 🌈🌴💛🦋❤️

Given all the windows and doors seem to be open, I gather there is no AC?

No there is no AC, other houses in the area have AC but I don’t actually like it and although it makes cold air I don’t find it a very healthy atmosphere overall. There is a natural breeze in this location as it is up a steep hill which blows through the house. It can get pretty hot but I do prefer natural fresh air always and here the air smells of ocean and flower blossoms and that’s very good!

I would think the humidity would get a bit rough, but I also grew up in the desert where it was so dry that California feels very, very humid. And let's not discuss Atlanta in August. ;)

The humidity can get tough but staying in the breeze is key. So Atlanta is tough huh? Oops I mentioned Atlanta 😆

When one grows up in the high desert of New Mexico, yes, definitely, Atlanta in August is rough. ;)

I was in New Mexico once, it was soooooo beautiful. I bought a band of Mexican silver and turquoise which I have worn ever since I bought it - and I visited some wild hot springs by a beautiful river for a few days absolutely stunning and had a most uplifting and spiritually fulfilling time there. I also learned a Cherokee dance of empowerment on the banks of a river in the sunshine. Magical moments to remember all my life 😍

Might have been Navajo silver. The native Americans do some amazing stuff there. New Mexico is the one part of the US that feels like it has a deep history, like when I go to Europe or other countries. You can hike through the mesas and mountains and just suddenly stumble across ruins from a thousand years ago. Or petroglyphs. Or pottery and arrow heads. Just...there.

I miss it, but our lives are not always strictly our own after a point.


Cheers to you too my friend, lovely to see your comment🤗🦋🌴🌈💛

Mmm ... Beautiful surroundings, vintage Chianti and olives - life is good - beautifully photographed!

Upvoted and resteemed :D

Haha thanks @icedrum. It’s always good to hear from you! 🤗🦋🌈🌴💛🍀

Seems like you had a nice time :)

Thanks @rehan12. Every day is a nice time... I take life a glassful at a time. Hope you are very well my friend😉🌈🌴💛🌴🦋

This post has received a 37.11 % upvote from @boomerang.

Amazing photography.

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