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in photography •  7 years ago 


Real friends can show you that life is not as bad as you think and your problem is not as big are you afraid of.

Sahabat sejati dapat menunjukkanmu bahwa hidup tak seburuk yang kamu pikirkan dan masalahmu tak sebesar yang kamu takutkan.

Real friends give the time when laughter is present, or when his tears flowed.

Sahabat sejati memberikan waktu disaat tawa hadir, ataupun dikala air mata mengalir.

Real friends interchangeable show you that life is not as bad as your think about your problem is not as big and distinguished what you fear about.

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Real Friends is all we need in this battle called life. So dont ever care about the quantity of your squad but the quality-the memories cherished, the you and me together to face every challenges in life.