A few photos from my recent trip to the Amazon Rainforest.

in photography •  9 years ago 

I recently went on a trip to Ecuador and the Amazon Rainforest and wanted to share a few photos I felt very proud of. These were all taken with an Iphone 6s Plus.

The Amazon Rainforest:

Interesting Insects:

We ate these!

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Were the grubs alive? What did they taste like?

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The sad thing here about the Amazon and the indiginous people is that their way of live is slowly being eroded by the greed of coroporations infiltrating further and further into their lands for logging, minerals etc - your pics are good so thanks

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Very true and very sad. I was part of an Eco-lodge that supported tourism over oil expansion and only hired locals to transport and give tours to the visiting people. The system is pretty cool in that the indigenous people choose to financially support themselves through tourism even though oil companies would pay them more per day in order to obtain oil.

I don't think I could stomach one of those things... Damn that's gnarly!

Nice photos