Punk Rock Forever – Mosshead Warbonnet

in photography •  7 years ago 

Throughout the worlds oceans fish come in all shapes, sizes and colours. When it comes to my part of the world one such fish sticks out more than most and that is the Mosshead Warbonnet (Chirolophis nugatory).

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These little guys are quite small, only reaching about 15cm (6 inches) in length and are very skittish. Hiding in crevices, in discarded bottles, under rocks anywhere they can fit. Their secretive behaviour makes them quite elusive underwater however this colourful fish is truly a prize for photographers. Often all you will see is what looks like the best version of a punk rock or 80’s hair metal bands hair poking out from a beer bottle or tubeworm hole.

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The small hair-like projections growing off its head and vibrant colours really can create striking images once the fish is spotted.

This species can be found ranging from Southern California to the Aleutian Chain of Islands in Alaska. They prefer a rocky substrate and are typically found at depths from sub-tidal to about 80 feet. Feeding on small fish and invertebrates from our rich waters, the small size of these colorful fish makes them prey for most species of larger fish.

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Mossheads belong to a larger family of eel-like shaped fish called pricklebacks or shannies. Unlike other fish, pricklebacks can breathe air. If kept moist, they can live out of water for up to a day and a half.

There are over 70 species of pricklebacks and most of them have dorsal fins entirely made up of sharp, non-poisonous, spines. Most of the pricklebacks are restricted to the northern Pacific Ocean; a few species occur in the North Atlantic.

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The best part of diving is sharing the experience with others and finding amazing unknown little fish along the way.

Rock On!

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Thank for reading


For more images and stories - http://www.scottstevensonphotography.ca/

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Wow they are very beautiful. Great Work!

the fish is looking so dengreous

It is very nice post !

So much to discover in life. What beautiful creatures. Indeed there are more creatures in water than on land. Nice post

Very nice pics. Thanks for sharing.

Mosshead warbonnet. The moss-like protrusions on its head (cirri) may provide some camoflage effect.

What an interesting creature, love the top of its head!

Wow! They look beautiful. Thanks for the share.

I feel something familiar in that fish!
