- Day 11, of One Year Photography - pretty and pink ! - 💕

in photography •  8 years ago 

So I guess I am in the habit of posting on my daily challenge at around 8 pm to 10 pm, just the way my schedule works I guess. But hey! at least I am remembering and sticking with it!

This is very exciting to do and I can't wait to see where I will be in 365 days! I hop you will follow me along!

This post looks likes its going to a pink theme! Enjoy! and please give me an Upvote it matters a lot!

Young Rose

This is a shot of a young rose just barely starting to blossom, behind it are a cluster of older flowers supporting it! If you look at my other posts and like any of the photos enough to save them on your device or desktop, send me a message and I will gladly send you the full version HD!

Soft Pastel Pink

A close up of, I am not sure what these flowers are called and it is hard to try to look it up in google because I type in "name of a big poofy pink flower" Please comment below if you know the name!

So Zen

This is a re-post, I saw it in my files and couldn't resist showing it again. Just in case someone needed to see it and missed the first time I posted it. Because it is zen like and pink!


I hope you liked my photos!


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so beautiful photography thank you for sharing @seabasscan

you're very welcome