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Amazing girl, amazing dress. :)

Beautiful photo

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

That really good pict @sean-king
You have nice skill to take good pict
By the way... Im a photografer to... Im post my job photos with many model...
Maybe you can give me some guidance about my pict in my blog @isfar

So ,,im follow you to see your update post
Please follow me back master 😀


A good idea! I like your worldview)

She is beautiful! :D
👉 @paps 👈

Nice pict @sean-king

Great photo of lady in red! Resteemed! Have a nice day @sean-king !

sexiest 😍😍😍 queen steemed 😍

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

This woman is very beautiful but I don't really think the slippers suit with her outfit.

very beautiful girl
whether it's your wife ? :D @sean-king

Still cannot believe it, that she should be 47.... I wonder if yoga is the key? is she vegan? What is the secret?

Thanks friend, though she was only in her 30s when this picture was taken.

Yoga has a lot to do with it. I've seen a lot of people who practice yoga who seem to defy the aging process. It's definitely helped keep me young and healthy and it seems to have worked for @steemed-open too.

Love the red-green contrast with the lips of your gorgeous model being the dot on the "i"... With this red skirt, there is a striking resemblance of my tarot card, "The Empress"... beautiful photo!

Wow! Awesome ...Following you for more.
Please visit my profile hope you will like my photograph...@saan 💐💐

waww ,, very beautiful,
and I really like your article,
and let me follow you @sean-king

she just keeps proving my valid point when I say that is beautiful from head to toe