In the story that bears the title of the post, by the brilliant master of cyberpunk William Gibson, a photographer who travels around New York looking for retro-futuristic details of the 1920s in its architecture, is transported into a parallel world where the images that were published then in the comics became reality.
Something similar happens to me whenever I visit the campus of Concepción University, Chile. I feel like a pulp scientist in a levitating car with a ray gun.
Pieces of that vision of an uninterrupted progress of humanity in the moral and scientific realms, which was abandoned due to the atrocities of World War II.
Maybe it is time to, without falling again into naiveness, abandon cynicism and regain a little faith in the possibilities of the human species.
Maybe it is time to dream about the future again without feeling ashamed of it, as they did back then...
(Pictures are mine)