Beautiful yellow rose

in photography •  6 years ago 

Although, frankly, this rose is not quite yellow, the edges of her petals are pink, which, however, does not prevent her from being very beautiful. In general, there are a lot of beautiful roses near the sea. Obviously, the local climate spice up their growth and magnificent flowering. Therefore, I am going to share with you photos of these beautiful flowers long time :)

Хоча, чесно кажучи, ця троянда не повністю жовта, краї її пелюсток є рожеві, що, втім, не заважає їй бути дуже красивими. Загалом тут, біля моря, є дуже багато красивих троянд. Вочевидь, тутешній клімат сприє їхньому росту і чудовому цвітінню. Тому я і надалі збираюся тішити вас фотографіями цих прекрасних квітів :)

yellow rose shady.jpg

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That is a beautiful picture and I love the little shade of pink 😍 truly amazing shot!
Flowers are amazing and I love the difference in shapes and colours.
Thank you for sharing. Have a wonderful week. Cheers!

Posted using Partiko Android

You're welcome! I'm glad you liked my shot!

I really did, you have the eye for beauty 😊 shows in your shot.

Posted using Partiko Android

The striking beauty of a rose, her petals are just filled with tenderness.