ColorChallenge Thursday Green Green sand Beach: Papakolea Beach -Hawaii 木曜日グリーングリーンサンドビーチ: - ハワイ

in photography •  7 years ago 

image credit: islands
グリーン・サンド・ビーチ:パパコレア・ビーチ - ハワイ・ハワイ島

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Green Sand Beach: Papa Collea Beach - Hawaii Hawaii Island

Also known as Mahana Beach, you can find a unique green sand beach (only 4 in the world) at the southern tip of Big Island in Hawaii. Surrounded by the bay at the bottom of Puah Mahana Cinder Corn, this remote beach requires a 5-mile round-trip hiking or can ride from the locals at about $ 15 per person . No facility, surf is too strong for swimming, but rare green sand made with olivine crystal which is a common silicate of Big Island lava is attractive.

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