I was being sincere in my statement.
I could have gone into a diatribe about the pitcher plant's unique micro and macro nutrient intake mechanism, in detail...
Here goes; The fly trap is believed to use photosynthetic energy to oxidize AA from its insect food source, acid environment facilitates this. Nitrogen from insect food sources has been detected by C-13 isotope labeling,expelled as CO2 and incorporated into the plant. Although the precise N uptake mechanism is unknown. I have a feeling a process called a Whacker- Oxidation type reaction, without the Pd catalyst is involved. Perhaps an acid catalyzed Daken(sp?) Oxidative acid - catalyzed reaction to liberate the N compounds so they can be nutritionally utilized. Cutting edge, for sure. I can sketch the lengthy organic mechanism if you still find my comments insincere, when I was merely typing what came to mind.
Oh, I get your hustle. You're good, man.