A skeleton's gate in my city

in photography •  7 years ago 

I want to share with you a detail of the gate of the cemetery in my city: the skeletons on the main gate. Here in my city (Pistoia, Italy) is very strange to see a goth style gate like this and even if we have 3-4 cemeteries, this is the only one with some details like this.

The oldest part of this cemetery was built in the 1767, when the Grand Duke Leopoldo commanded to bury the dead out of the walls of the city to preserve the sanitary conditions of the citizens. In the 1867, thanks the plan of the architect Bernardo Bernardini, the cemetary was enlarged adding a big meadow, chapels and underground tunnels.

All around the cemetery, like every cemetery here in Tuscany, there are many cypress trees. 

You have to know that, even if we can see cypress trees everiwhere in the Tuscany country, everytime I see one of them I immediatly thought to a cemetery ;)

Inside the cemetary there are many family's chapels with interesting decorations and style, but I didn't take pics of them because I wanted to respect the rest of the dead. My family, since I was a child, teached me that we have to have respect for the dead, so we have to stay in silence in the cemetery and we have to think about people who   are resting there.

See ya later


silvia beneforti

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WOW! Now you're talking my language. I'm going to steal that pic- I hope it's OK! (I'll have to think up a story around it!)

Dear friend, everytime I walk close to the cemetery (that is close to my home) I think about your job and about the stories that you tell us in the Crypta's series ^_^ And for sure, you can use this pic as you want!!! :D

I miss writing those... I wish I could think up a good one!

Awesome post!
I really loved the skeletons up there :)
Here is me standing by my dog:

lol ^_^

I never seen anything like that, it's so creepy! I love it hahaha. Thanks for sharing Silvia.

Yes, it's really creepy :D

A beautiful artistry to the gate. Back then they made things to last that were not generic. What is the population of your city? Again thanks

My city (Pistoia, Italy) count about 90.000 citizens ^_^

That is one heck of a spooky gate piece! Unusual and unique! I love it.

It's as if the Grim Reaper were personally escorting the dead to their resting place. :)

I too am very respectful at a cemetery - very quiet, and reflective. I really like the second photo as well, with the tree shadows on the wall.

You have to know that I have a "strange" relationship with cemetaries, because when I was a child and I lived in a little village, I went to the cemetery with my mom and while she cleaned the tombs of our relatives, me and my sister visited the ancient tombs around. It was not creepy for us, just a silence place ^_^

That's an interesting story @silviabeneforti. My husband used to go to cemeteries weekly with his parents to clean off the headstones and to plant flowers or do a bit of gardening around them.

I love how you included the history!!