Beautiful textures ^_^

in photography •  7 years ago 

I love to use my camera to fix some nice corners, some details, some interesting textures and shades of colors that I see around myself and today I take some pics of this tube on a wall.

Time worked on the paint of the tube drawing some interesting signs and interesting shades of green.

It's just an old tube, but sometimes, if you open your eyes and your mind, you can see something beautiful also on an old tube! ^_^

Well, it's time to go to bed!

See ya soon


silvia beneforti
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Hola @silviabeneforti . Tienes mucha razón, en cualquier cosa por muy simple que parezca puede haber belleza y algo interesante para una buena fotografía. Un fotógrafo me dijo una vez que en todas partes hay belleza, sólo hay que saber buscarla y lo demostró tomandole una foto a una flor insignificante pero le buscó el lado bueno y espero que un insecto se posara en la flor y quedo estupenda la foto. Saludos, eres una excelente fotógrafa.

Muchas gracias! Como el fotògrafo te dijo, en todas partes hay belleza ^_^

Sleep well and wake up strong, nice picture.

I'm really enjoying your eye for detail @silviabeneforti! Keep up the good work :)

Good night too
Pictures were lovely upvoted

Thanks ^_^

I'm feeling rusty now xD
Great photo, keep up your work ;)

Thanks so much ^_^

wonderful.. photography i appreciate your photography thanks for sharing this post.. best of luck..


Great shot. There is beauty everywhere if you're willing to look.