in photography •  7 years ago 

As the colloquial statement goes that "Culture is the people's way of life". As a bonafide citizen of one of the most blessed countries in Africa (Nigeria), am proud of all of the cultural embodiments we are blessed with. They are so astonishing and adorable.


In all of these, I hail from the South-eastern part of Nigeria which engulfs the ethnic group called "IGBO". The Igbo women have various exquisite ways of dressing which always make them exceptional in the midst of other ethnic groups.

An Igbo woman is known for her braided hair style with threads, and various kinds of beads worn on the neck, wrist, waist and sometimes ankle. She also can add to the attire by handling a short furry staff


Mainly, this attire used to be the outfit specially designed for a PRINCESS in the olden days, but because of civilization, any woman can afford to be on this kind of attire.

Nowadays, any Igbo woman or young girl can use this attire for traditional functions such as cultural dance, traditional marriage and communal events. As I said earlier that culture is the people's way of life, so is this elegant outfit worn by this pretty IGBO lady is one of the cultural practices of the IGBO ethnic group from south-eastern part of Nigeria.


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