Bumble Bees are one of our largest pollinators. Here they are, doing their job!

in photography •  6 years ago  (edited)

Ran across some Bumblebees, that according to science Cannot fly. These guys obviously are not students of science. They are doing fine flying in spite of that!




This shutter is a fast one, but it was hard to get a picture of the wings, these guys really MOVE! They are more interested in the flowers (fortunately) than My camera. These bees are a little over an inch long (about 3CM) and this kind of bee, does not loose the stinger when the hit you, so they demand respect! They make their nests in the ground, and they do store Honey in those nests. When they get mad, they remember for a long time.

My Father found a nest next to where we parked the car, and decided he needed to clean that nest out. He took a thin board, and waited by the nest entrance. When a bee came back to the nest, he would smack them out of the air. He had eliminated a dozen or so when he missed one. It was quite a battle, and he finally came in the house (rapidly) and said he missed one, but when he turned around the bumblebee was on his pants, stinging his wallet! They are tough customers, LOL!

Most of them are, Like honeybees, females; and we all know how dangerous that makes them, LOL! :)

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Someone forgot to tell the bumblebees that it is aerodynamically impossible for them to fly. But they never studied science so they don't pay attention. They can fly amazingly well for their body size. And you are right! They never forget when they have been attacked and by whom! 🤣

When I bother honey bees, when I back away from the hive a little distance, they go back to work. A Bumblebee, on the other hand, wants BLOOD; and is willing to drill to get it, LOL!

They will follow a long way, basically they have an over developed sense of vengeance, like in the movie "The Princess Bride", LOL. :D


Do you have the same kind of bees down there? They have some actual honey bees in India that are about the same size as Bumblebees, and are very aggressive too. :D

Yes we do and we have African bees and these bees that are as big as bumblebees but are all black and like to burrow into wood: trees, fence posts, as long as it wood.

I have seen the wood boring bees here too. Do they pollinate? My father in law used to hate them, because they liked to bore into his porch and firewood.
The African honey bees have been unable to take the cold here, so we have none. ♡♡♡

Be grateful that you don't! They are vicious and attack in swarms and don't lose their stingers. Nasty. I have never seen the black ones anywhere other than my porch and drilling into trees and posts. I have never seen them anywhere near flowers so I assume that they don't.

A hive of Africans can be tough for sure! They are having some success re-queening the invaded hives.
I wonder what the wood borers actually do eat? Oh well, LOL! :D

I just love the big bumblebees they are hard workers in my garden

Busy as a bee for sure, and they are good pollinators; but be sure to give them space!

They can tell when you are afraid by the smell, so stay calm, and be safe!

I am right in the mix, never heard of one stinging so never thought to be nervous. They buzz me and work around me all the time! Ignorance is bliss.

They have a good even temper, takes a lot to get them mad. They are good pollinators, and they are pretty visible. :)

I used to hate bees when I was little...especially BIG ones like the hornets and bumblebees. Now, I love the little critters, as they are what makes my garden possible. I've been following with trepidation the die off, and am hoping it will reverse itself. So far this year, I have more bees in the garden than I've had in years.

I would like to see everyone put in a hive, just to help them out! They are recovering slowly, but we need to reduce the spraying.

It is killing our bees off. They go, WE go! >:(

Agreed! Scary, scary situation.

Most people do Not understand how important these insects are to us! They provide a large part of our food! :D

smithlabs..who taught you how to use a camera? what kind of close up shots are those?

You know, I was close enough that I had bees bouncing off of me. Blow the picture up. I could have, but that is cheating, LOL!

*Bee careful, those things sting...and they don't stop stinging! :)

I didn't even know that bumble bees stung, always saw them around but never got stung. do they keep stinging you after the first time?

Yes, they are like wasps, they do not loose their stinger; like a honey bee does. When they get mad, they just keep coming. :(

smithlabs! well sir..I have never seen them mad, what would make them mad, just if you mess with their hive?

Hive is underground, so messing with them directly (patting them on the head?) is a good way to get stung. :(

Lots of venom, a very bad sting! :(

oh now that makes sense! smithlabs you finally said something that makes sense! no wonder I never see their homes. what do you do if you get stung, just tough it out like a Texan or you have to go running to mommie for stuff to put on it?

You hurt, LOL! :D

Plaintain plotice, calendula, garlic and onion on the bite.

Sorry I meant to say that they never sting, and you should go pet one....Bu ha ha ha! :)

ok well they do look nice and soft to pet, Jack likes to chase them but he's never gotten stung or else his fur is so thick it didn't affect him.

They are hard to piss off, try patting them on the head, ROFLOL! :) Glad they don't know Jack, LOL! HE'S a good boy.... :)

hard to piss off..so they take after you I see. Jack is awesome, when he see's another dog he turns into a monster though, he grows in size because all his hair sticks out and he grows like I've never heard before and charges like a wild beast(otherwise known as smithlabs).

Just protecting you, why? who knows, LOL! But a dog is a good buddy, and very helpful, when someone is poking around! I have seen people say they are not planning on having dogs around for grid down use. Makes Zero sense. They will alert you before you would notice yourself, and cover you while you rest. :D