Peacock trying to impress; but no such luck!

in photography •  7 years ago 

I ran into a peahen today, and went over to get a picture. She was very pretty, and the peacock thought so too!


I was impressed, but she wasn't, LOL! :)


Ignored him totally! Just like a girl, ROFLOL! :)

When he saw that I was filming him, he mooned me!


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Very cute. Maybe you need to wear something more alluring next time...??

But then I'd need to stick feathers in my hair....

:) ♡

LOL...I believe that would be a step in the right direction, yes.

The start of a high visibility camo? LOL! :)

Sure...especially if you're on a peacock

hmmm, Peacock under glass.... :D

Could be tasty, LOL! :)

They are related to pheasants, aren't they?

Well, I don't know. They are both birdbrains so cousins at least, LOL! :D

I bet they cook about the same....

LOL great pics Toby. I'd love to raise Peacocks. They are beautiful. I once knew some people who raised Emu. Emu are also cool birds to raise. I love their colorful blue eggs.

They are pretty pretty, LOL!

My Sister decorates emu eggs, they are a great color.


howdy @smithlabs! was this thing in your yard?

No, we were not home, working at church. They live around there somewhere, and like the fresh mowed grass. They are eating something left after cutting, pretty beasts.




they are beautiful and unique, I think they'd be fun to watch especially if they have a practical purpose also like eating bugs or something!

They are a very good watchdog, they raise cain if something is amiss.

They also look pretty good doing it too, LOL! :)

howdy there @smithlabs! so in other words you're saying that they take
after you??

No they are LOUD if strangers come! :)

so they DO act like you! lol

Yeah, I am alway showing off my tail feathers, LOL! :) :D