Spring has arrived in Oklahoma, and the early flower are just exploding!

in photography •  4 years ago 

Flowers have declared spring's arrival, with colors and scents!

The daffodils always lead off;
These are Not editable, so just look and enjoy.

The red bud trees soon follow;
This is the state tree here, and the go from white to purple, with red the most common.

Red bud close up;
These flowers are editable, and add nice color to a salad. Mild taste too....

The strawberries are in full bloom;
These are wild strawberries, and are used here herbally.

Dead nettle is a common weed;
The tops these plants, once dried; are also a powerful herbal used to treat diarrhea, so gather them now, dry and store them.

Here is a delicate flower that is only 1/2 inch across...on my cherry bush:
I got these river cherry bushes from Jackson & Perkins, and their fruit is dark and sweet.

Spirea bushes make flowers that are delicate and tiny, and are related to roses:
You can see the Rose shape, and these flowers are about the size of a green pea. They are also good for herbal infusions.

This is a common lawn weed, related to a pea:
I love the flowers, they are delicate and beautiful! These also are used herbally, so there is a lot of medicine hiding in your yard; if you know where to look!


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Pretty good! No signs of life yet in Saskatchewan.

Our last freeze possibility is two weeks out. I understand yours runs a little later.

Here is a picture of the lake close to the homestead that had 2 inches of ice on it a month ago.


About a mile from the homestead....


The Almanac claims that our last frost will be May 26th and first frost again on September 6th. Not a lot of time, but at least it will be light until about 11pm at midsummer.

That is tight, so I bet you're sprouting now? We run to the end of October for frost.

This comes in December:


Sounds like a greenhouse might be useful to extend your growing season. I hope you 'stumble' across a nice one that someone wants to get rid of!

Be blessed, and keep on prepping....


Yes, I have a greenhouse and two cold frames. Right now I am sprouting tomatoes and peppers under a light in my basement. I will plant them outside after the last frost. In the meantime, I have planted cold weather vegetables like lettuce and chard in my greenhouse and cold frames. The Lettuce just started to sprout.

Although the season is short, the days are very long. By midsummer, there is very few hours of night. That helps the vegetables to grow in a shorter season.

Make the most of local conditions! I am glad you have plant help. Cold frames are popular, but the greenhouse is a treasure!

I pray you have so much production, that you have to give some away; after you store all you can!


Thank you! My husband built the cold frames and the greenhouse. We first just bought a greenhouse kit from Costco. It would have been fine except we have relentless winds. Everytime it was blustery out, the greenhouse would fly apart. Once someone found a panel several miles away!

Anyway, we returned it to costco and my husband built a new greenhouse with a sturdier frame. He used stainless steel studs and it survived the winter so I think it passed the test.

I also make a point of planting more than I will be able to use and I give the produce away to friends.

I'm glad you have a hubby that is handy! I am sure His design will hold.

I figured that you grew excess to bless others.

My biggest problem is the oak trees. I cut one last Thursday, and I will need to cut at least 3 more; to have enough sun for the greenhouse and solar panels. One more is damaged, and must come down for safety, and I just hate that. It is a 26 inch diameter black walnut, but someone hit it and stripped the bark; so it is breaking down now.

I don't know how much I will get planted this year, you are well ahead of me!



Spring is always exciting! We are making slow progress on moving to the homestead, but it is progress.
