Flor de Dandelion - Dandelion flower - Spring collection

in photography •  7 years ago  (edited)

Durante estos meses, muchos jardines y parques se visten con estas pequeñas flores amarillas que crecen en la planta conocida con el nombre de Dandelion o Diente de león. Es de un color muy llamativo por lo que es común encontrar insectos en ella.

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During the spring months, many gardens and parks are dressed with these small yellow flowers that grow on the plant known as Dandelion. It is a very striking color so it is common to find insects in it.

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By me, taken with an IPhone Camera.

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When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.

Wow amazing flower's photography!!!

Thank you. I appreciated the comment :)

Welcome my dear friend.
Good Night

Hermosa flor. El color amarillo me trajo el recuerdo de un refrán de mi pueblo que dice: "amarillo es lo que luce verde nace donde quiera" . Felicidades

Muchas gracias. Esa frase me recuerda a una canción de navidad de Nancy Ramos ;)

Congratz, your post has been resteemed, upvoted and… featured in The Daily Spotlights of 29 April 2018! Check it out to see who nominated you…

Thank you so much! I appreciate it. :)

I like this Flowers. Really pretty color.

Thank you! yes, its very cute.

buenas fotos