Infrared Photography: Paw-Paw next to lattice

in photography •  7 years ago  (edited)


This Pawpaw plant was in full sunlight at the time of taking the photo, its a very healthy plant and reflects alot of infrared light back away from the plant in the form of white light.

The above image is my entry for White Is White Challenge - Monday: White Photographed Against White

#whiteiswhite and #wiwcontest are initiated by @dmcamera.

Monday: White Photographed Against White
Tuesday: Animals
Wednesday: Flowers
Thursday: Food And Drink
Friday: Architecture
Saturday: Water In Nature
Sunday: Anything Goes

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Nice pic

Posted using Partiko Android


glad you like them, thanks for the comment.

Nice pic

Posted using Partiko Android


hmm I need to check out that app.