Steemitphotochallenge 19 : Human Body

in photography •  8 years ago 

Another very interresting and technical challenge we have to face!

Here are my human body (parts of ;) pics for this one.

Entry #1 : Through the soul.
It's said that the eyes are the reflection of the soul. But not only. In iridology (study of the iris), we can also have a look at the inner body. How the different parts are working. Healthy or not, weak and so on.
Most of the time, iris pictures are a bit frightening... psycho attitude for the people who watch it.
I think this one (my eye) is not because there are the eyelids on it and a side look... It's more human.

For the technique, i just used 1 black and white and a colour picture (identical) and on Photoshop just revealed the color of the iris with a layer. Very basic.
Like this the main subject is revealed and the eye of the watcher is only focused on it.
It was a long work... I did it alone with a tripod and a remote... so many captures for only a good one...

Gear : Canon 5DSr with the 100mm macro lens from Canon. Side flashlight, tripod and a remote.

No more enteries this week... I don't have the authorisation of my models for showing them nude.
Big hugs to you all!

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